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cal's fit. imma be real w u homie - harry×cal smut 😳😳


Alcohol didn't solve any issues. Not one. In fact, it created them. But it was fun to pretend. Calum couldn't remember how many drinks he'd had at this point. He felt good, though. He knew that for certain. His face felt warm and he genuinely had no idea what was real and what wasn't anymore. He didn't know how he was going to get home. He told himself he'd figure something out.

He was lonely. Craving someone's attention. And although he wanted it to be Ashton's, he really didn't care whose at this point. There were plenty of men around who Calum wouldn't have minded spending a night with. But he wasn't about to make the first move. No, if someone wanted him, they would come and get him.

A brown-haired man at the bar caught his attention. He met his gaze. Oh, it was Harry. Calum somehow hadn't recognized him before. He smiled nervously. His jaw was sharp, lips were full, hair was messy and his shirt was crumpled, like he'd had a rough day. Yeah, Calum could work with that. And he didn't even realize he'd been staring at the man until he came over and mumbled, "Hello."

Calum blinked. "Oh, um, hi."

"You were staring. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Just thought you looked kinda hot." He shrugged. "Sorry."

"No, don't apologize." He glanced Calum up and down. "You're not so bad yourself, darling."

"Thanks, I guess." The maori man cleared his throat. He waved his hand as if to ask Harry to join him.

The stranger (because that's what he was) nodded and sat down. They drifted into conversation quite easily. Calum avoided speaking about Ashton, as he knew it would scare him off. He instead talked about Michael and Luke's wedding. Only briefly, though. The man kept staring into his eyes and he was finding it hard to focus because of that. His mind wouldn't form a proper sentence.

He'd never really realized it before, because he was so infatuated with Ashton, but Harry was actually pretty handsome. He had this suave and debonair aura to him and Calum was loving it. Harry inched closer. Calum let him. He didn't know what Harry was playing at, but he was okay with it right now. Except it also felt weird. "What...what are you doing?"

Harry tucked a curl behind Calum's ear. "Apodyopsis."

Calum laughed loudly (and unattractively, he was sure), "Is that even a word?"


"Well, I dunno what it means."

"The act of mentally undressing someone."

Calum blushed deeply. "Harry..."

"What? You're stunning. Excuse me for noticing beauty when it's sitting right in front of me."

Calum didn't know what to say.

"So, forgive me if this is a sensitive topic, but what happened with you and-"

"Don't even say his name." Calum firmly interrupted.

"Okay, that's fine. Sorry."

"No, it's okay, I just-" He held his head in his hands. "I hate him and I love him. Does that make sense?"

"It does."


"Of course. You love him because he made you feel a love you'd never felt but you hate him for taking it away."

And Calum didn't know what came over him. Maybe it was Harry's deep, soothing voice or that almost poetic way he spoke. Maybe it was his beautiful eyes or his stunning smile. But he kissed him. Softly, and just for a second. And his stomach erupted in butterflies, like how it did only for Ashton. Which terrified him. So he pulled away.

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