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it took a while, my bad. but some high quality fluff to make up for it. i recommend listening to the song. stan hozier for clear skin and spiritual realizations. 


Driving and listening to music and sightseeing had been fun, but the moment the two of them had reached their destination, the real adventure began. They stayed at a motel for their first night in the city, and although wanting to perform a certain act of intimacy to celebrate their arrival, they were both so excited to sleep in an actual bed, and ended up falling asleep. 

The first day in New York had been spent entirely in the motel, doing nothing but exercising (many different types). They were up late, but fell asleep quickly after winding down. 

The next morning, Calum woke Ashton up by showering him with kisses and murmuring, “mon beau mari,” against every inch of his skin. It made him blush and giggle and pull Calum into a tight hug. 

The two of them ate a small breakfast, then spent their day wandering around the city, checking out all of Calum’s favourite places. They had a lot of fun. But the most interesting part of their day came around dinner time. 

They decided to stay in their room and cook for themselves instead of going out to eat. They were making beef stroganoff. It was a heavy dish, and a long process, but a delicious meal. Plus, Calum got to act like a ‘middle-aged, mid-western housewife’ (his words not Ashton’s) and drink the wine they were cooking with. 

Beginning the preparation for the meal was simple, cooking it was a tedious process. 

Ashton was also pretty much useless when it came to cooking. He got distracted super easily, was incredibly cuddly instead of doing what he was asked, and sang and danced rather than helping. Calum knew this, but often forgot. He was about to be reminded.

“Baby boy-” The older man cooed in a sing-songy voice. 


“I love you.” 

Calum playfully rolled his eyes. “For the third time, I love you too.” 

“Good.” Ashton came up behind his husband and wrapped his arms around his waist. “You mean the world to me.”

“I know. Why’re you being so sweet? Did you break something?”

“No.” He chuckled. “I-I just--I’m grateful. For you, for all that we have…I’m happy.” 

“Oh.” Calum reached for his stomach, where his husband’s hands were resting, and gently brushed over his wedding band. “I’m grateful for you too.” 

Ashton pressed his lips to the tattoo at the back of his angel’s neck. Calum shivered, and that made him chuckle. “So sensitive.” 

“Shut up. It’s ‘cause I love your dumbass.” 

“What’d you call me?” He asked, feigning hurt. 

“A dumbass.”


“‘Cause you’re acting like you’ve never given me goosebumps before.” 

“It’s just nice to know I still have that effect on you.” 

“You are always gonna do that to me.”

“There are a lot of things I’m always gonna do to you.” 

“Easy.” Calum giggled and gently slapped his hands. 

Ashton let his husband focus on the food for a few minutes before pulling him back, spinning him around, then into his chest. “Dance with me.” 

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