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basically i'm just doing what i want . some 'illegal' stuff this chap but remember kids: it's only really illegal if you get caught .


The first morning waking up in a new place was always strange. But waking up next to Ashton in that place meant that whenever they were, Calum was okay. He knew he was safe and always would be with him. So, with a smile, he rolled over in his older lover's arms and kissed his bare chest. "Daddy."

Ashton groaned. He giggled and kissed along his collarbone. "Daddy. Daddy, wake up. I love you."

He inhaled and exhaled deeply. "No."

"Wake your ass up and tell me love you me." He demanded. Ashton shook his head. Calum reached down, let his hands run along Ashton's abdomen and then grabbed for his manhood.

"Calum Thomas Hood, leave my dick alone."

"Make me." He challenged. Though his tone was playful, there was an edge to his voice that was serious. Ashton moved quickly, so quickly that Calum could barely comprehend what he was doing. He flipped them over like it was nothing, straddled his angel's waist and pinned his wrists to the bed above his head.

"You're awake!" Calum exclaimed, smiling. "Hi."

"Hi, baby. How did you sleep?"

"Good. I had a nice dream."

"Yeah? What about?"

"Um-" A blush grew on his face. "It was our wedding day a-and you looked so good...you kissed me and it felt so real, and--I can't remember your vows but they were so beautiful."

"Hm. Sounds lovely." If only Calum knew how close that actually was to becoming reality. "So, why did you want me up so bad?"

"'Cause today we're gonna do something illegal."

"Alright. Breakfast first, though?"

"Uh-huh. I'll make something quick. Eggs?"

"Yes, but only if you don't wear pants while you cook."

"I'm not wearing pants now, why would I put 'em on?"

"No idea. I like seein' your bum."

"I know. Now get off of me so I can cook you breakfast."

"Alright." The older man did as he was told. Calum hopped out of the bed and adjusted his sleep shirt then headed out to the kitchen. "So, what illegal thing are we doing today?"

"It's a surprise."

"But I wanna know." Ashton pouted. He wrapped his arms around Calum's waist, giving him a tight hug from behind. "Please, angel?"


"Please, my love?"

"Okay, fine." Calum gave in so easily when it came to Ashton. "Vandalism."

"Ooh, okay. Love it."

"Really? You're fine with that?"

"Babe, I used to murder people for a living. Yes, I am fine with vandalism."

"Sometimes I forget that was actually a part of our lives. Like, holy shit, you've killed people, y'know? I've seen it."

"Yeah. I know."

"Anyways, sorry for bringing it up. We are going to vandalize some buildings. So start thinking about what you wanna write."

"Okay. Um...well, are we following a theme? Like, 'fuck the patriarchy', 'you are not alone', actual art...? I don't know."

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