427 17 103

i think i'm about to hurt ur feelings.


The sun was bright and warm; the sky was clear and blue. Birds chirped loudly and the wind blew cool, careless gusts that surrounded the two lovers.

Their smiles were wide, hands were intertwined, and hearts were beating wildly at the thought of the freedom they shared. Forever and always, they had promised each other, and that was how it would be.
They didn't know exactly where they were, but everywhere felt like home with one another.

A bright red sign caught the eye of the younger man. His face lit up with joy and wonder. He tugged eagerly on his lover's hand, cooing, "let's go inside," while wearing a smile so wide it seemed brighter than the sun.

The other man instantly agreed and followed his angel into the store. On display beneath the bright lights was many isles of clothing and accessories, and lining the walls were toys, books, and other little trinkets. A banner reading "USED," in bolded letters hung on the porcelain white walls. The store seemed to go on forever.

Before he even had a chance to take it all in, he was being dragged into one of the many shirt filled isles.

"What are we doing in here, sweetheart?" Ashton asked, beginning to rifle through various button ups.

Calum shrugged and continued smiling. "This is what we're doing."

"Okay." The older man chuckled softly and leaned down to peck his lips. "I love you."

Calum giggled his perfect little giggle that made Ashton weak in the knees and mused, "I love you too."

They spent hours in the thrift store, shopping for things they didn't need and trying on ridiculous outfits. People stared. Others made rude comments. It simply didn't matter because they had each other. Like all days when they were together, that day seemed perfect.

The scene quickly changed.

Now Calum and Ashton were driving along an old dirt road, with no particular destination in mind, windows down and music blaring. An old camera sat in the backseat, along with their jackets from earlier in the day when it had been chillier, and their old iced coffee cups from breakfast.

They had taken turns playing each other's favourite songs, switching between all the different styles of music either of them liked (and by default, getting to know each other better). Although having no idea where they were headed, they were planning on taking photos. And there wasn't any specific reason why other than the fact that they found each other so breathtakingly beautiful.

After another few minutes of driving, Ashton pulled over and turned off the engine. Calum looked out the window, then over at his love. Their intertwined fingers continued slowly brushing over each other's soft skin. Occasionally, one of them would nudge at the other's ring (the matching one that both of them wore), and they would look up, their eyes would meet, and they'd smile.

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