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ash chap. this might be awkward. his fit ^


Ashton could not even picture his life without Calum in it. He couldn't fathom a life without Calum there beside him. He knew there were big changes he had to make in order for them to be together and because he loved Calum with everything he had, he was willing to make all of those changes and more.

He had an idea. He knew how he would win his angel back. It involved speaking to people who hated his guts and although he was definitely worried, he wasn't backing out of this. He had to speak with Mali-Koa again, and he only hoped that she didn't punch him, or worse, as he was sure she'd wanted to.

He called her and asked for the information he needed, and it took a lot of convincing, but eventually, he got exactly what he'd been looking for. He needed to speak with every member of Calum's immediate family and apologize for everything he'd done. And he didn't expect them to forgive him. But he wanted to be with Calum and he'd have done anything for Calum to love him again.

And Calum said that he hadn't fallen out of love, but Ashton knew that even if he hadn't, the love wasn't the same.

He was nervous going to meet Mali, Joy and David, and he doubted that this would be easy, but he knew that even if it didn't exactly go well, the result would be worth every bit of awkwardness and pain the encounter would likely bring. He'd finally be able to love his angel how he deserved.

He knew he could've been doing that all along, but if he was being honest, he didn't know how. He remembered how his angel wanted to be treated. But both of them had changed a fair bit since breaking up and it'd had negative and positive (less of the latter) effects on each of them.

He remembered that Calum loved long walks and ice cream (or iced coffee) late at night. He remembered how he loved deep, meaningful conversations, wrapped up in a cozy blanket on the sofa or in bed. He remembered how he loved to take baths to relax (candles and soft music, of course) and how he adored having his hair washed.

He remembered how Calum had once said he believed being kissed in his sleep was one of the purest forms of love. Ashton was sure he'd seen it on the internet somewhere. But because he knew it made his angel happy, he kissed him as he slept so even while he was unconscious Calum would know how much he loved him.

He remembered every single thing that Calum had ever told him he loved or made him happy. But neither one of them were those same people anymore. They'd become different people, and (although both were ashamed of themselves for thinking this way) they weren't exactly sure they fit into each other's lives anymore.

Neither Calum or Ashton believed that they could ever truly fall out of love. But sometimes, love just hurts too much to keep fighting. That was why Ashton was determined to follow through with this plan. He didn't want them to hurt anymore. He needed for them to be okay because Calum-and-Ashton is what made him feel okay.

More than okay; alive. Calum's love made him feel alive. And he was prepared to give everything he had to feel alive again.


He arrived at the address Mali had given him at around six o'clock. He gave himself a loud and obviously not scripted pep talk on the drive over, profanity making up about sixty percent of all words uttered. He already knew that Mali hated him, and from what Calum had told him, his parents weren't his biggest fans either.

He had to get on their good sides. He had to prove to them that he was good enough to love their son. That was the main problem. He couldn't exactly be honest with them about all that he'd done. He and Calum talked about his past with Harry as if it was no big deal because to them it wasn't. He was certain that Calum's parents wouldn't hesitate even for a moment; they'd call the cops and have him thrown in jail for life.

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