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some lashton interaction for u . i'm tryna keep y'all fed .


ashtonirwin: so i hear you've been talking shit about me to my angel and making him feel like he has to defend me and my honour, as well as our relationship. if you have something to say to me or about me, you should be able to say it to my face.

lukehemmings: i don't think you want to hear what i have to say.

ashtonirwin: i heard plenty already when the love of my life was breaking down sobbing because his best friend made him feel ashamed to be in a relationship. nothing you can say at this point can shock me. i know you're an ass and i know to what degree.

lukehemmings: you'd be surprised.

ashtonirwin: cafe on maple, half an hour.

lukehemmings: see you then.

[ ashtonirwin is offline ]

[ lukehemmings is offline ]


Ashton was in no rush to get down to the cafe. It wasn't far, and he didn't want to leave Calum's side just yet. He definitely didn't want to leave him while he was sleeping. So, after about fifteen minutes of petting his hair and murmuring sweet nothings to his sleeping angel, he tapped his shoulder gently, kissed at his neck and traced his collarbones with a delicate fingertip.

"My love, I need you to wake up for a minute."

Calum inhaled deeply and leaned towards the fingers and lips brushing his skin. "...Mm, why?"

"I'm gonna go talk to Luke. What he said isn't right; he hurt you and I won't stand for it."

"Oh. Okay." He yawned and blindly reached for Ashton, managing to grab ahold of his bicep. "Don't be gone long."

"I promise." He leaned down and pecked his angel's lips. "I'll bring you back breakfast."

"Iced coffee too?"

"Of course." He brushed his messy pink curls out of his eyes. "I love you."

"Love you too." Calum sleepily replied. "Please come back, okay?"

Ashton's heart ached. He hated that he'd made Calum scared he would disappear forever every time he left the room. "I promise, baby." He sighed softly and stood up. "I won't be long."

Calum hummed dismissively and rolled over, although he wore a bright smile. Ashton kissed the top of his head before grabbing his wallet and keys and heading for the door. He made it to the cafe with about seven minutes to spare. With that time he ordered himself an iced coffee and selected a booth near the back of the place to wait.

Luke arrived within minutes. He wordlessly joined him at the booth and cleared his throat. "What do you have to say to me?"

"Not even a 'hello' or anythin'? Damn, okay."

"Why waste time with futile and seemingly incessant small talk? Let's cut to the chase."

"Fair enough. What's your problem with me?"

"You're bad for him and I don't like you."

Ashton sighed softly. "You don't really even know me. How can you think I'm bad for him?"

"He has spent too many nights, too many months crying over you. It got to a point where I had to despise you because he couldn't."

"You only hate me because he couldn't lose faith in me?"

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