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yes they are literally all i have. no irls anymore.


Cuddles were Calum and Ashton's absolute favourite thing. They were holding each other every chance they got. It was just second nature to them, and during storms it was no different. In fact, it happened even more.

They hardly ever left each other's side during a storm. They were both kind of scared of them (Calum more than Ashton) and it was just nice to be together.

On the sofa and in front of the fireplace was where they decided to cuddle up for the day. Ashton was laying at the very bottom of their pile. Calum was on top of him, his hips wedged against Ashton's. His head was on Ashton's chest, and on Calum's chest lay Alistair.

Occasionally, Ashton would grab a fistuful of Calum's hair, pull his head to the side and gently kiss his plump lips. Calum would smile, then turn back to Alistair to give him his own kisses.

They hadn't moved for most of the day, and they didn't plan to for a while. They were warm, comfortable, and, in all honesty, practically comatose. They didn't know if they could move.

Both of them were very fond of skin on skin contact when they were laying together. At the moment, neither were wearing shirts. Calum was wearing only a pair of shorts and Ashton was wearing sweats.

Ashton was so damn warm and Calum adored it. He never wanted to move.

He then had a sudden thought that made his heart thunder. He had been thinking about it a lot recently--couldn't escape it, actually--and he was tired of thinking about it alone. He couldn't think about it alone, especially since it affected both of them.

It was about their future and it made sense for them to be on the same page about it.

"Ash, I wanna talk to you about something."

"I hate it when you start conversations like that."

"No, there's no reason to fret. I just have a question."

Ashton sighed and brushed through his angel's soft curls. "Okay, shoot."

"Um, I've been thinking recently about...kids. I-I know it's probably smart to wait until we're married. I just wanna know what you think."

"Oh. Oh, baby, um..."

"Well, that can't be good." Calum whispered under his breath, so quietly that only he could hear. He nervously squeezed Ashton's hands and swallowed the lump in his throat.

"I've been thinking as well, and...I don't know if I want kids."


"I know I'm not going to be a good father, so I don't want to risk it. I know I'll fuck up royally and I want to avoid that."

"But...I want kids. I've always wanted kids." Calum mumbled disheartenedly.

"I know that. That's why I didn't want to tell you."

"That's exactly the kind of thing you're supposed to tell me, Ash. I thought you wanted kids. A month ago, you wanted kids!"

"I said I was considering it, but I know I'm going to be a shitty dad so I shouldn't even try."

"I want kids. That's never going to change."

"I know."

"Well, I don't wanna have to start over!"

"Wait--why would you have to start over?" Ashton asked, all the breath sucked from his lungs.

"I want something that you don't. It's news to me, and it hurts like hell, and I'm not going to give up something I want to make someone else happy, even if that someone is you."

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