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some fluff parce que ma vie s'écroule :-)

holy FUCK he looks so fucking good 


As Calum and Ashton loaded the last of the boxes into the van, both of them had small smiles growing on their faces. Sure, they were tired of packing, sorting and selling their stuff, but it was worth it. Because they were moving in together. They would finally get to fall asleep beside each other, wake up beside each other, and live alongside each other for (hopefully) the rest of their lives.

Neither could've been happier.

And as they climbed into the van, ready to drive to their new home, one question burned in the back of Calum's mind. He just had to ask; not knowing the answer was killing him.

"Babe, what are we doing for dinner?"

Ashton thought about it for a moment. "Eh, I don't know. I was thinkin' we would just order in. Spend the first night in our new apartment actually in our apartment."

"Sounds good." He smiled at his love and reached for his hand, slowly intertwining their fingers. "Let's go."

Ashton kissed his knuckles, then began to drive. In the short drive to their new home, Calum stared out the window, admiring the beautiful city. The passing buildings, bakeries, coffee shops and strip malls; at the men, women, children and everyone in between going about their days.

But although the day was normal for all those people, for Calum and Ashton, it was different. The city was the same, the people were the same, but finally, they were together. Living together. Building a home together. It was everything the two of them had always wanted with each other. That was the dream.

When they eventually arrived at the place, their place, they quickly went to work bringing boxes up. Any other day, Michael and Luke would've been there to help them, but they were busy with family matters and that was understandable. Calum and Ashton enjoyed spending time together, just the two of them, so they were sure it was going to be fun.

It wasn't. Not exactly. They decided to sort the boxes by room so they were slightly easier to unpack. It was August, so normally the A/C would've been on, but since they were just moving in, it wasn't, and wouldn't be until Monday. So, while they moved boxes, Ashton's shirt was off. And it was driving Calum nuts.

He was not doing a good job of keeping focused. He helped plenty and carried just as much of their things as Ashton, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of him. Which, he reminded himself, was not a crime. Ashton was his boyfriend, and he was allowed to stare at him. But he was so attractive, and now he was quite literally glistening, and honestly Calum was expecting the "dare you to make me even sweatier," line very soon.

Calum didn't know how long he could hold himself back before he pounced on him and they got nothing done. So he made sure to stay in a separate room. He unpacked bathroom boxes while Ashton decorated their bedroom. They spent about an hour apart before Ashton grew suspicious of Calum's behaviour.

"Baby boy?" He yelled through the apartment.

"Yeah?" He heard faintly in response.

"Will you come here please?"

He didn't hear a reply, but about thirty seconds later, Calum walked through the door to their bedroom. He kept his gaze to the floor. "Hi. What's up?"

"Look at me please, my love."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

Calum pointed at Ashton's bare chest and flushed a bright pink.

"I don't understand."

"You're too sexy!" Calum exclaimed, regretting the volume of his words immediately afterwards. "I mean, you have to have realized by now. I cannot look at you because I will not be able to control myself and we will not get anything done today."

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