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underrated hairstyle . smut 1/2 + a lot more detail than i usually add so beware . assistance from bubbiecallie say thank you everyone . i don't expect you to comment idk but the feedback would be nice . i am so sorry .


Calum woke up on the second day on their little vacation feeling extremely energetic. So much in fact that he didn't even know how to begin getting rid of it all. He climbed out of bed, careful not to wake Ashton because he deserved to sleep, and headed out to the kitchen.

He knew Ashton struggled with his body image, but he needed to eat, and Calum would feed every single bite to him if that's what it took.

He decided he was going to make french toast. He'd only make it for him a few times before, but each time, he'd loved it. He grabbed all the ingredients from the cabinets and a pan. He hadn't made french toast in a while (back home, he'd have just gotten a muffin or something from work) so he was sure this would be interesting.

He had a smoke beforehand to calm his nerves a little. He hardly cooked by himself lately so he was a little nervous to be by himself, but he knew shortly after he started cooking, Ashton would be right by his side.

And he wasn't wrong. He didn't realize immediately, but Ashton walked into the kitchen while he was reaching for plates. His shirt was halfway up his back and the older man had a great view of his backside. He loved the contrast of the blue panties against his baby's tan skin and how they fit his plump bum perfectly.

He was so beautiful and Ashton was so lucky to have him.

He walked up behind his angel and wrapped his arms around his waist. He let his head fall onto his shoulder before he spoke. "Morning, sweetie."

"Morning, daddy. How did you sleep?"

"Good. Couldn't sleep much more after you left, though."

"Why's that?"

"I just love you too much."

"There's no such thing as loving me too much. I am super lovable though, so it's understandable."

"Yeah, you are." He sighed and tightened his grip around Calum. "I had a strange dream."

"Tell me about it."

"I was having a great sleep, some nice cuddle-times, and then my baby boy left me-"

"I'm sorry." Calum interrupted him with a giggle. "I wanted to have breakfast ready for you when you woke up and I know you like french toast." 

"Mm-hm. It's alright." Ashton dismissed. He grabbed the hem of Calum's shirt (one that he was sure was actually his) and tugged it over his head.

"What're you doing?"

"Hush." He pressed a kiss to the tattoo at the back of his neck. Then he began to kiss along his shoulders. He felt a shiver run through his angel's body. Slowly, he started kissing down his spine. Calum gasped quietly and tried to turn around. Ashton harshly grabbed onto his hip and made sure he stayed facing the counter. "No. Keep cooking. If you stop, you'll be punished." 

Calum inhaled sharply but obeyed. Ashton continued pressing tender kisses to his back until finally, he sunk to his knees.


"I said hush, love." He repeated, gently kneading Calum's perfect ass in his large hands. "Don't you trust me?"

"I-I do."

"Good. Then just focus on what you're doing."

Calum nodded wordlessly. Ashton kissed the dimples above Calum's bum before beginning to pull his panties down with his teeth. Calum, knowing what was coming, let out a strangled whimper. He really wasn't paying attention to the french toast at all anymore.

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