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this pic is irrelevant but look at it ^


After work, Calum went home, feeling terribly sorry for himself, and to take his mind off of things, he took Duke for a walk. He would've gone out to a bar or a club, but he truly didn't feel like it. He could've gone to see Michael, Luke and Haisley, but he wasn't up for any sort of conversation.

He desperately needed a hug, but that's what he had Duke for. They walked for almost an hour, until the sun had started to set, at around 8 o'clock. By that point, Duke was exhausted, so Calum carried him in his arms like he was a baby. In more ways than one, he was. He had to be fed, needed constant love and affection, adored being held, and loved to play silly games.

He was the closest thing to a baby that Calum would ever get to have, because adoption agencies hardly ever approved requests from single parents. And when they did, it was single people with very high monthly income rates. Sadly, Calum was not one of those people.

When he got home for the second time, Duke immediately passed out on his little bed, hardly even acknowledging Calum's existence. Calum just made himself a drink. He hadn't had any in a while, but he figured that today, he had earned it. And if not, he at least needed something to take his mind off of the horrible events of the day. Plus, he lived alone, who was going to stop him?

"If this doesn't help-" Calum began dramatically, not even caring how crazy he sounded talking to himself as he poured another drink. "I'm just gonna cry some more."

Two drinks later, he still did not feel better. He wanted to put on some music and dance around the living room, singing his heart out, but his neighbors might complain. He didn't know how to take his mind off of today. Since he didn't feel like burdening Michael and Luke with his troubles, he called the one person he knew would always have time for him.

His mum.

Shocking, right? Well, after his and Ashton's breakup, he had felt lost, and never wanted to experience any sort of human connection ever again. But a little while after that, he realized that although he no longer had a lover, he had family. He also knew that he couldn't be mad at said family forever, and blood was thicker than water. Despite their differences and the many misunderstandings between them, he needed to reconcile their relationship.  

The bond had faded, but it could be rebuilt. 

He explained to them his sexuality, that it was not a phase, and if they couldn't accept him, that he wouldn't bother trying to make them. Luckily, they did come around. Rather quickly, too. They had missed him as well. He explained to them that he had been hurt badly by someone very close to him; closest to him, actually, and they consoled him. 

His mother, sister and father felt terrible that they hadn't been there for him. They also wished that they had met the man (who came to be known in their household as "The Heartbreaker," which Calum found appropriate). Because, although he was a royal asshole, he had been perfect. Even Calum's family recognized that. 

It had taken a while for them to seem like proper family again, but eventually, the problems that they'd all been hung up on became exactly what they should've been a long time ago; history. 

So, with shaky hands, he dialed his mother's number. He leaned back against his counter for support (because he honestly didn't know if he was going to pass out or not). He also didn't know if she would think he was foolish, especially for calling over such a small interaction, but it was too late now, because seconds later, his mother's sweet voice filled his ears.

"Calum, sweetie?" Joy called out, her voice soothing her son's worries almost instantly. "Is everything okay? You never call so late." 

Calum didn't see a point in making small talk. "I saw him today, mama." 

Joy heard her son's voice break and her heart ached for him. "How? Where?"

"While I was at work, he came in. He was with someone else." He fought an oncoming wave of tears. "I was on break, and I didn't want him to see me, but I couldn't hide or run, so they came over and started talking to me-"

Calum was well aware that his mother could've just called him a pussy, told him to man up and gone back to bed. But she cared about him, cared about their bond, and didn't want to lose that again. She tried to think of something reassuring to say, something that would make her son feel better about the second heartbreak he had to experience that day.

Eventually, she decided on, "Would you like to tell me about it? You can say whatever you need to say, I'll just listen."

And if that didn't make Calum break down and cry, nothing would've. So slowly, stuttering and crying like a baby half the time, he explained to his wonderful mother how the day had gone, in great detail. And just like she said, all she did was listen. He told her about the rings Ashton and Dylan had (which was the thing that made him most angry because he and Ashton had also owned rings to signify their love, but apparently Ashton would get them with anyone), and told her of their meaning.

Like anyone supporting a person going through a hard time would've, Joy occasionally chimed in with an insult that corresponded with what Calum had been saying, which only made him happier that he had called her. After about twenty minutes of rambling, he had to stop himself. He was tired of reliving today over and over.

"Can I offer some advice?" His mother asked, but Calum knew that it meant she was going to speak no matter what.

"Of course." He replied regardless. At that point, he would've taken any sort of help.

"Forget about him." She bluntly replied. "I know it's not that simple, but you know that even if there was a chance you could have him back, your relationship would never be the same. There would always be some type of fear hiding beneath the happiness you'd have. You'd always be worried that he was going to hurt you again."

Calum wanted to argue, but he knew that his mother was right.

"I know it hurts, and maybe it always will, but you need to try and move on. You will find someone else, someone who treats you better."

Calum wanted to tell her that no, he would not find someone else, and even if he happened to, no one would be better than Ashton. Still, he whispered, "Okay, I'll try. But enough about me." He decided, realizing he couldn't change what had happened (and sure his mother was tired of listening to him). "How are you, mum?"

"I'm alright, sweetie." Joy yawned. "Your father and I went to see your sister today. You should call her, at least. She misses you."

"Okay, I will." Calum promised her. "You should go to sleep now, I know you're tired."

"I think I might. Promise you won't stress too much about today, okay?"

"I won't, mum. I love you."

"I love you too. Goodnight."

And with that, their conversation was over. He was honestly so glad he'd called. She gave excellent advice, and was almost always on his side. She was wonderful, and he hoped one day to be half as amazing as her. He consider doing what his mother had suggested, calling his sister, because she too was a night owl, and would definitely still be awake. But he didn't want to talk about today, because then he'd feel even worse (and he didn't need two people to sympathize with him over his sad life).

In the end, he did decide to call, but he refused to talk about his life. Instead, he urged her to discuss her own. She told him of her latest relationship, how wonderful he was, how great he treated her, and Calum couldn't help feeling a little jealous. He kept that to himself though.

She told him about the wonderful things they did together, and how she knew that even though it was early, it was love. Calum knew it too. His sister told him of the butterflies in her stomach when he spoke; how when they kissed, she felt dizzy and weak in the knees and when he smiled, her heart seemed to beat out of her chest.

"Yep, that's love." Calum murmured certainly. He knew the feeling all too well. He missed the feeling way too much.


this is sorta shit but oh well. i'm really excited for the next 2 chapters. they gonna be sad but good.

love you 😌❤


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