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"never need a bitch i'm what a bitch need"


Life was splendid in the Irwin-Hood household.

Each morning, Ashton would leave for work with a kiss to both his daughter's and his husband's heads and a promise to have a good day for the both of them. When Ashton left, it was just Calum and Parker at home, and it was always an adventure.

Sometimes they'd paint or colour (usually not the walls) and sometimes they'd spend most of the day sleeping and eating. Calum liked those days; they were stress free. Some days Parker was a screaming, crying nightmare and the more she cried, the more Calum wanted to.

Those days, he wouldn't even have to say anything to Ashton for him to know what was wrong and how to fix it. He'd come home with a bottle of wine and run him a bath, or kiss him like no one was watching then hold him until he felt okay again.

Calum really could never repay him for how amazing he was. But Ashton told him he didn't have to; that he couldn't repay him either--he'd saved his life, after all--so they'd call it a draw and just continue to make each other happy.

Each morning, Ashton left home after kissing the two lights of his life and when he returned home, it was just the same, plus an exclamation of, 'I'm home, my loves!' only after making sure that neither his daughter nor his husband were asleep.

He would come home, and if his husband was feeling up to it, they'd dance and sing while cooking dinner. If he wasn't, then Ashton would cook dinner by himself (which always made Calum feel useless). So Ashton would remind him that he sacrificed his day and almost every other one before that to take care of their growing child.

He sent him to go lay down and rest until food was ready, and sang to himself and his daughter as he cooked for them. On bad days, he'd make Calum his favourite food so even when he thought he had nothing good in the world, he was reminded of him.

Life was always wonderful for them, especially when Ashton didn't have to work. They'd go to the zoo, the park with the dogs, visit friends and family or just stay in and do nothing. Everything was picture perfect as long as they were all together.

Well, not their sleep schedules, but you get the picture.

There were days when Calum and Ashton would fight, just like any other couple. They would distance themselves from each other, only speaking on topics that involved Parker and barely even looking in each other's direction.

Those also happened to be the days that by time they were going to bed, they were falling desperately into each other's arms and muttering heartfelt apologies simultaneously (not understanding a word the other was saying but not caring because the words aren't what matter).

They were completely and overwhelmingly in love and nothing could take that away from them. Even though some had tried. Yes, there were people who had tried to tear them apart; some old-fashioned relatives, homophobic neighbours who'd tried to have them evicted simply for being gay, people verbally assaulting them on the street.

That happened to almost every gay couple. Calum and Ashton were well aware of that fact. But there wasn't a single thing anyone could say to make that okay. Everyone was the same, essentially--we all bleed the same colour--so why did it matter?

Neither could ever bring themselves to understand it. They only hoped that their daughter would never have to experience it or be around when her fathers did.

It was actually coming up on the celebration of Parker's six month celebration--fuck, they cared so much about her--and Calum was so emotional because his baby was growing up so fast. He'd cried quite a bit about lately and it was still almost a week away. He knew eventually his daughter would grow up and leave them and he knew it wasn't anytime soon but he was still so terrified for that day to come.

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