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smut for y'all finally . their fits . yes cal's is a skirt . you're welcome -trashton-


Calum had planned a detailed, intimate evening for them. Ashton assured him that it didn't need to be super complex, but he never did anything half-assed. And it wasn't super complicated, but it was well thought out. He knew how the night would be ending, so he wanted to make an effort and have the evening play out nicely for that inevitable result.

He planned to take Ashton to the fair. Well, almost like a carnival. Ferris wheel, food trucks, games, rides. He sent Ashton home around three o'clock to get ready and told him not to come back until seven. Calum told him not to get dressed up nice, but to wear something comfortable and something that he could move in.

Ashton arrived at exactly seven o'clock. He couldn't stand to be away from his angel for long, and would never purposely stay away longer than necessary. Calum opened the door about two seconds after he knocked, like he'd been waiting for him on the other side.

The second Ashton's eyes landed on what Calum was wearing, his heart nearly stopped and his jaw went slack. "Oh...my god."

"What?" Calum asked innocently. He knew Ashton had always wanted to see him in something like this.

"You're wearing a skirt." He breathed out shakily.

Calum smiled. "And?"

"How do you expect me not to bend you over and fuck you senseless right now?"

"You have to wait until later tonight and you said you'd be gentle."

He groaned. "Ugh, really regretting that right now."

"I know." Calum grinned devilishly. "Now let's go."

Ashton chuckled and shook his head. He took Calum's hand and pulled him out into the hallway. He locked his front door then lead Ashton down the darkening hallway and out to his car. They drove to the carnival (Ashton's hand on Calum's thigh) listening and singing along to Halsey's Nightmare, followed by Troye Sivan's Strawberries & Cigarettes.

When they pulled into a underground parking garage that gave no indication of their location, Ashton had to ask what was going on. Or, rather, where they were. Calum gave a vague, unhelpful response and hurried him out of the car. He ordered him to close his eyes as he lead him up to ground level.

"Can I open my eyes, angel?"

"No. Keep 'em closed." Calum replied, giggling. "I'll tell you when you can look."

"Alright." He sighed. He trusted him with his life. After another few minutes of slow, careful walking, Calum stopped and asked, "What do you hear? What do you smell?"

Ashton strained his ears. He could hear laughing, faint music and machines working. He could smell popcorn, hot dogs and various other sweets he recognized but couldn't quite name. "I hear music, and people, and I smell food..."

"Where do you think we are?"

"A fair of some sorts?" He said, unsure of himself. Calum giggled, "Yeah! You can open your eyes."

He did as he was told, and a smile grew on his face. He could see food trucks, games with their rows upon rows of prizes, rides and even a ferris wheel. He then looked over at his smiling lover and felt his heart warm. He loved him so damn much.

"I'm so excited, angel. Lead the way."


They played silly games, won prizes, went on rides and snacked on delicious foods for hours. They ended their night at the carnival with a ride on the ferris wheel, where both of them took many pictures (of each other and the view) and shared many loving kisses at the top.

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