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their fits for later . fluff n then some angst .


"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Calum whispered under his breath, not knowing if he was more excited or nervous. He couldn't believe he had a date. He hadn't been on a real date (much less asked on one) in forever. Once, while in New York, he'd been at a bar and was fed some cheesy pick up line from a man who was clearly drunk off his ass and about to make unwise decisions. He put the man in a cab and sent him home.

Aside from that, though, it had been a while. And he wanted to be excited, but he was so scared. He hated having to start the moving-on phase all over again. Those few months after their breakup had been the longest, hardest time of his life and the saddest and loneliest he'd ever been.

He hated starting it over. But he knew it had to be done. He did believe that Ashton could change so they could be together, but he didn't know when that would be and it had nearly killed him to wait for Ashton to change on his own.

He didn't want to go into tonight with a biased opinion of not only the man he'd be with but also the way things would go, but he didn't feel like that for Harry and he couldn't force himself to.

Calum's mood fluctuated throughout the day, but Frank just happened to notice how happy he was, and he was so glad. He missed seeing his friend happy. He had to ask why, though. It was just in his nature. "Why're you so chipper, Callie?"

He hummed and forced a smile, "I-I've got a date."

"Who's the lucky person?"

"Um..." Calum didn't know how to describe him. Ex-lover's best friend? Murderer? Sexy as hell? But he wasn't just those things and he shouldn't be defined by them. "He's a friend of a...friend."

Harry was more than a friend because friends don't do any of the things he and Calum had done, and Ashton was much more than a friend because two people who are in love typically can't maintain a platonic relationship. Just like he and Ashton hadn't. But he didn't want to speak on that matter at the moment.

"Well tell me more!" Frank squealed.

"He's just...one of the healthiest relationships I've been in for a long time. Which is surprising considering what he's done."

"Hm." Frank hummed. He wanted to know what Calum was speaking of in regards to the 'what he's done' comment, but he assumed Calum would tell him if he wanted him to know. "Do you have any pictures?"

Calum bit his lip. "Not of his face."

"Calum!" Frank scolded playfully and slapped his arm.


"Is this your first date?"

"...Yes-" Calum answered shamefully. Frank's eyes widened and his jaw dropped open. "B-but before you say anything, I'm not usually like this. I'm not usually such a whore."

"Hey, I don't think you're a whore."

"Well thank you." He sighed. "I just...I needed to forget about some shit and he was there and also he's so pretty and he wants to buy me stuff-!"

"So he's your sugar daddy?"

"No." The maori man frowned. "He isn't just fucking me and buying me shit or giving me money, and I'm not just a gold-digging fuck toy. We have actual conversations about very real things."

"Cal, I wasn't calling you a gold-digging whore. I hope you know that. I can just be a little blunt or insensitive sometimes."

"I know. Sorry, m'just tense. I haven't been on a date in forever."

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