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ur about to hate luke a lil bit


Calum liked keeping Michael and Luke up to date on his and Ashton's relationship. He knew they'd always be on his side and support his decisions one-hundred percent. More often than not, at least. There had been times when they thought he did some stupid shit and they made sure to tell him.  

He went to see the three of them around eleven on Saturday. He and Ashton had their third date that evening, and because of that and the fact that he didn't have work, he figured it would be a good day. He was very wrong, but he didn't know that yet. 

He joined them for lunch, and made child-friendly small talk for over an hour. It was hard to have an adult conversation with a three and a half year old sitting right next to them. While Michael took Haisley to wash up, Calum and Luke were allowed to indulge in a mature conversation. 

"How are things with you, Cal? Anyone special in your life?"

Oh. He guessed he was doing it now. "Yes."

"Who's the lucky person?" 

He exhaled shakily. "Ashton."

Luke's smile fell. "What?"

"We've been on two dates so far, and we have a third scheduled for tonight."

"Are you insane? How can you trust him?"

"I'm making him work for this. We're taking it slow and it's going great. He's been a real gentleman." 

"Oh really?" Luke somehow doubted that. "How many times have you slept together so far?"

"First of all, wow; that's really petty. Second, not once."

"I don't believe you, and I think what you're doing is foolish." 

"I don't care if you believe me; it's the truth." He was lying. It hurt that his best friend in the entire world didn't trust his word. "That does hurt a fair bit, though. I was expecting your support." 

"You will not be getting it. I do not trust him and you shouldn't either."

Michael and Haisley entered back into the room. "What's going on?"

Luke turned to face his husband. "Cal and Ash have rekindled their relationship and I think he's being stupid." 

Michael adjusted Haisley on his hip. "Explain."

"We've just gone on a couple dates." Calum told him, voice wavering. "We didn't rush into this. We thought it through."

"You clearly didn't!" Luke exclaimed, throwing his arms up in the air. "He's a manipulative bastard and he's bad for you."

"He was in a bad place, but-"

"No, he's using you." 

Calum clenched his jaw. "I love him."


"What if I'd told you that Michael was bad for you and I didn't like him? Would you have just stopped loving him-" He snapped his fingers. "-Like that?"

"No, but we're different. We trust each other and we don't keep secrets."

"Bull." Calum huffed. 

"Excuse me?"

"Everyone lies to their spouse. You two are no exception." 

"We don't lie to each other."

"That is a lie. Everyone bends the truth a little bit; it's human nature!"

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