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regretfully not a smut chapter


Yesterday, the two of them had spent quite some time with Alistair playing in the snow. Calum was bundled up fairly well, with a scarf, a beanie, mittens, a sweater and a jacket, but Ashton had worn only a hoodie (despite Calum urging him to dress warm) and now he was paying the price.

He felt awful. His nose was runny and stuffy, his hands were cold but he felt like he was boiling. He could hardly breathe, too. So he rolled over to the best of his ability and nudged Calum awake, knowing that it was unlikely he'd be able to function today, and he should let Calum know.

The second Ashton's cold hands touched him, Calum jolted awake. "Jesus, your hands are freezing." He groaned. He rolled over, and upon seeing Ashton's red nose and matted hair, and listening to him sniffle, he let his lips sink into a pouty frown.

He pressed the back of his hand to Ashton's forehead and sighed. "Goodness, baby, you're running a fever. Are you feeling okay?"

"No, not really." His reply sounded nasally and congested. He hated it.

"Okay, what's wrong? What hurts?"

"Um, my throat, and my head, and I can't breathe through my nose."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. That's why you should've dressed warm, like I told you. It's not your fault, though. I'm gonna take care of you."

"Thank you, angel, it means a lot."

"Of course." Calum took his hand and kissed his knuckles. "I'm gonna go make you a tea and get you something to eat. You just relax, okay? Maybe sit up for me if you can."

"I will." God, he didn't deserve him.

Calum climbed out of bed and rushed out to the kitchen (pausing at the doorway to blow his lover a kiss), then started getting things ready for him. Back in the bedroom, Alistair jumped up on the bed and spun in circles on Ashton's lap before getting comfortable enough to lay down.

"Hi, Ali." He greeted quietly. "Um, let's see...Callie said he was only speaking to you in French, so maybe I'll try." He cleared his throat. "Tu es adorable. Le petit chiot le plus mignon que j'aie jamais rencontré. Only 'cause I didn't meet Duke when he was a puppy. But I still love you."

He kissed the dog's small head.

"My pronunciation was probably bad, but it's okay. You understood me." He paused for a moment. "Do you like being with us? We certainly like having you with us. I think Callie's really happy to have you 'cause you're so teeny and you make him feel big and strong. But really he's a cuddly little teddy bear."

"Am not." Came Calum's voice from the doorway. He entered the room with a tray of items. On it, there was a cup of tea, a bowl of blueberries and blackberries, a package of tissues, some throat lozenges and a notepad and a pen. He brought the tray to the nightstand to Ashton's left and set it down. "Here you go, my love."

"You're so good to me." Ashton whispered with a smile. "Why?"

"'Cause you deserve it. And also 'cause I know you'd do the same for me."

Ashton nodded. "I would."

Calum jumped into bed with Ashton, laying his head on his tummy. "Drink your tea, baby. Have some fruit too. They're rich in vitamins, minerals and fibres, which helps your immune system. Plus they're yummy!"

"Mm-hm." He agreed. "Thank you, Callie."

Calum reached over to the tray and grabbed the notebook and the pen. "So, today, I don't want you leaving this bed-"

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