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strangle me with them oml. anyway this is cute and kinda cheesy but i need it so here.


Calum couldn't sleep.

Ashton had given himself to Calum yet again, and after that he had fallen asleep easily. Understandable. It was draining to be so loved. Calum on the other hand couldn't do anything but lie awake and watch him in his peaceful slumber.

He didn't want to wake him. It would have been unfair. The man deserved rest. 'Beauty rest,' as some called it. Often that was used as a joke by people who believed being well rested was the only way to be beautiful. But it was a lie.

Bags under your eyes are not ugly, but a sign you have a powerful mind. One that cannot be simply shut off. But there are things that are often considered beautiful that aren't. At least, not in the eyes of all.

Calum didn't think his stretch marks were beautiful. He didn't think they were tiger stripes or little lightning bolts or natural tattoos. He didn't think the bags under his eyes were necessarily beautiful either, and the same went for acne.

They were just human.

And he didn't think he had to be beautiful all the time to be accepted and loved. He didn't think that every minor detail of his outer appearance needed to be translated into what was considered 'beauty' because he--just like everyone else--was so much more than that.

Calum left the bed. Carefully. Letting his lover sleep. He put on a pair of knitted thigh-high socks, a pair of grey shorts (with a little pink bow on the front) that barely covered his ass and a t-shirt that belonged to Ashton. Alistair hot on his tail, he left the bedroom, passed the living room and entered the kitchen.

He didn't know what he wanted to do with this extra time that he had. He grabbed a glass of milk and a couple cookies and sat down to contemplate it. Alistair joined him on the sofa and of course tried to steal a cookie from him. He gave him a little bite (no chocolate, though).

That was something he found strange. Did animals know what was bad for them? Did dogs know that eating chocolate could lead to their death? And if so, why did they try so hard to have it? He thought about that for a second and came to the conclusion that they must not know because hardly anyone strives so hard for something they know will likely kill them.

Unless of course it's love.

He sat there thinking about that for quite a bit; how humans allow themselves to be hurt or subject themselves to the future possibility of it all in the hopes that it'll never happen but knowing it will just the same.

It was crazy. Yet we'd always done it. And, in all honesty, we probably always would.

Just as he was finishing the last bite of his little midnight snack, a quiet but hoarse voice called out, "Callie?"

He turned to face his lover. "What're you doing out of bed?"

"I noticed when you left. Felt all cold. I figured you were coming back-" He fiddled with his fingers and looked down. "Then you didn't so I was all 'lone and I missed you-"

"Okay, it's okay. I'm sorry, my love. Come here." He beckoned Ashton over. The man slowly walked to him, sat down and curled up in his lap. "I just couldn't sleep. I'm sorry I left you but you know I'll never leave for good. Right?"

Ashton nodded slowly. He kissed Calum's thighs (which he was using as pillows) and felt his angel rub his back in gentle circles.

"'This was the boy I loved. A little bit messy. A little bit ruined. A beautiful disaster. Just like me'."

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