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the jawline fucked me up y'all 😳

muke + ash + a smidge of violence ! also cal + ash talk again 🥺😔


"So I watched a guy roofie himself last night."

Luke gave his fiance a confused look, waiting for him to speak. He for whatever reason didn't continue. "Tell me more, obviously. You can't just say that and expect me to not want a story."

"Sorry, yeah." He chuckled and cleared his throat. "So there was this pretty girl at the bar-"

"Hey!" Luke exclaimed and let a pout take over his face. Michael shook his head and leaned over to peck Luke's temple.

"I was just describing her in the simplest way possible. You know you're the only one for me."

The platinum blonde man giggled. "Yeah, I know."

"Anyways, there was this girl at the bar, and this guy would not leave her alone all night. He was being an absolute asshole to her. She wouldn't go home with him, which he was hell bent on happening, so he ordered them drinks and put something in hers. Obviously, I had just watched this, and I wasn't gonna let that happen because I knew what he was going to do to her. He turned around for a minute and called her over, and I switched the drinks and watched him drink the drugged one."

Luke clapped his hands and laughed. "That's my future husband."

Michael beamed at his words. "But that's not all."


"I had Harry take care of him."

Luke's face paled. He didn't exactly like his fiance being around someone with that checkered of a past. "He...killed him?"

Michael scoffed. "No, no. I just let them take him out back and rough him up a bit. He's fine. At least, he was when I saw him. Sometimes Harry gets...angry. Especially when it comes to dealing with scumbags like that."

"Don't you ever get scared, y'know, being around him so much?"

"I don't see him too often." Michael shrugged, keeping his gaze focused on the road. "He likes to tell people it's his bar, but his sister owns it and she just lets him lie and say it's his."

"Really? That's kind of..." Luke's mind blanked. "Mikey, what's the word I'm looking for?"

"Pathetic, pointless, a waste of effort?"

"That works, yeah. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Michael replied, taking his eyes from the road for a minute to smile at his future husband. "I love you."

"I love you too." He squeezed their joined hands. "So much. And I can't wait to marry you."

"I can't wait to marry you too, dork." 

Luke smiled at him, and they drove in silence for a while. Then a question popped into his mind, and no part of him found a reason to stay quiet. "Why does Harry get so mad because of guys like him?"

Michael tensed at the memory his fiance's words brought. Luke immediately noticed and squeezed his hand. "You don't need to tell me, Mike. It doesn't really matter."

"No, it's fine. He just...he and Ashton were really close when they were younger, before Ash moved here. Harry actually moved here for him. He couldn't stand the idea of him being alone, even though I was moving here too. Harry knew what had happened, with, um, Nick, and he wanted Ash to be around people who supported and loved him. He's actually not that bad of a person, honestly."

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