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this is gonna be a blast . 'ghost' stuff (which i believe in) but may seem ridiculous to you . hence the girls talk boys pic .


Ashton didn't know how he'd let Calum talk him into this. He had not a fucking clue how he'd allowed his angel to bring him here. A fucking cemetery in the middle of the night. It was like he had a death wish.

There was something Calum didn't know about Ashton. He had kept it hidden well for a long time, and it had never come up in conversation, but he figured that Calum was going to find out tonight.

Ashton believed in ghosts, spirits, demons and everything of the sort. Calum knew that. He didn't know that Ashton was terrified of them. He'd fucking scream and run and he was so not ready to be embarrassed like that.

Ashton actually knew why Calum had brought him there. He'd been watching a lot of Buzzfeed Unsolved lately, the supernatural episodes, and he wanted to act as if he was a part of it.

Ashton was glad that Calum was happy, but dammit, he was scared. He wasn't planning on saying that, though. He was going to try and keep himself composed for as long as possible. He didn't think it'd be long.

Calum was driving, and Ashton was in the passenger seat. He'd been put in charge of snacks, flashlights, water, and the Ouija board, which he hated. There were also other things that were supposed to help them communicate with spirits. Salts, candles, etc.

Calum was very excited. Ashton was hoping to have a good time, but was also fearing for his life. He knew that spirits weren't supposed to be messed with, and he knew damn well that Calum was going to try and annoy the piss out of them just for laughs.

Calum parked the car near what appeared to be an abandoned church.

"Fuck, nah." Ashton whispered so quietly only he could hear. "This is some horror movie bullshit."

"Are you ready?" Calum asked cheerfully.

"Of course, angel." He replied with a smile like he wasn't freaking out. He grabbed the backpack, climbed out of the car and slung it over his shoulder. They joined hands and walked towards the old building.

The second they stepped into the cold, dark, room, Ashton sighed and laughed humorlessly.

"What's so funny?"

"People have definitely died here."

Calum took the backpack from Ashton, sat down in the middle of the floor and opened it. "We're gonna talk to them."

"They're gonna kill us too. What if the ghosts are homophobic?"

"Then they can choke."

"Don't say that!" Ashton exclaimed. "If there are spirits here, and I'm sure there are, you don't wanna say things like that to them!"

Calum pursed his lips at Ashton. "Demons, if you're here, put me in a choke hold."

Ashton slapped his hand over his mouth. "You are going to get us killed."

Calum licked Ashton's hand until he let go. "I don't fear death, so I don't have to worry."

"You're going to get me killed. Is that what you want?"

"You'll be fine, Ashy. Sit down, have some cookies."

He did, but he was still nervous. Calum pulled out the Ouija board and a couple candles.

"We're going to die here, and Alistair is going to grow up without his fathers."

"Quit being so dramatic." Calum giggled. He ate a cookie, and then lit two candles. "Okay, let's start basic. If there are any spirits here that would like to communicate, please let your presence be known. We have candles lit here, maybe...snuff one out?"

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