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some fluff uwu baby boy looks so pretty wearing glasses also a bit of sad stuff


Calum was genuinely happy for the first time in months. Belgium had been amazing. The food was delicious, the people were friendly, the sights were breathtaking. He wanted to stay there forever, but he'd promised Ashton before he left that even if he fell in love with the city, he wouldn't leave him for the beauty of another land. And Calum wasn't one to break promises.

However lovely the trip had been and however friendly the people were, Calum had still felt lonely. He really had wanted Ashton there with him. He wanted it to be a couple's trip of sorts. He understood why it couldn't be; Ashton made a very valid point and he couldn't argue with his logic. But he was alone most of the time, and just because he'd grown used to it by this point in his life didn't mean that he liked it.

Another promise he had made was to call Ashton as soon as he got back and tell him all about it. A promise he'd intended to keep, of course. But something he discovered after getting off the plane shocked him greatly: Ashton was there waiting for him.

Naturally, Calum was excited to see him. He rushed over to him, dropped his bags at his sides and threw himself into his strong arms. He couldn't hold still. Neither of them could. Calum buried his face in Ashton's neck as his hands roamed his torso; squeezing his hips, exploring beneath his shirt, running along his firm chest. Ashton's chin rested atop his angel's head. He moved his hands around Calum's back, but kept his palms flat against him to keep him from leaving again.

"I missed you so much." Calum admitted softly. "The city was so beautiful but I was so lonely..."

"I missed you too, darling. I'm so sorry you felt alone."

He shakily sighed. "S'okay. I'm back now."

"I'm so glad." Ashton pressed a kiss to his pink curls. "Are you wearing my sweater?"

"Um...yes. It's cozy and it makes me feel safe."

"Okay." Fuck, he was adorable. "Are you hungry at all? Wanna go get a drink and a bite to eat?"

"Yeah." Calum then inhaled deeply. "Mm, 'ou smell good. Like home."

Ashton smiled brightly. His heart fluttered. Calum thought he smelled like home. Fuck. He swore he just fell in love with him all over again. "Th-thank you."

Calum knew Ashton was ready to leave, but he wasn't ready to let go of him. He felt warm and safe and smelled like vanilla and cinnamon and Calum never wanted to be out of his strong embrace. He let out a soft sigh and pressed a lingering kiss to Ashton's collarbone. Then another. And another. He ran his hands along the waistband of his jeans, then weaved his fingers through the belt loops and pulled him even closer. They stayed like that for a while.

Finally, he whispered, "Okay. W-we can go now."

"Yeah?" Ashton asked quietly, totally fine if Calum wanted to stay there longer. The maori man nodded. "Okay."

They pulled away. Ashton picked up Calum's bag and asked to take his hand. Calum loved that he asked permission. That was something he'd been missing a lot. And because he was so proud to see a change in his behavior, he intertwined their fingers. After baggage claim, they headed out to Ashton's car.

Once they reached his vehicle, Calum leaned back against the door and pulled Ashton towards him by his waist. "Kisses, please?"

Ashton smiled and tangled his fingers in his hair. He pecked his lips softly once, momentarily pulled away, then kissed him deeply. After a few swipes of their lips, he pulled away again. He let his eyes drift down Calum's face, and brushed a calloused thumb over his cheekbone. "Has anyone ever told you how beautiful you look in the sunshine?"

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