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⟶ apartment hunting ! meeting the parents soon !! how is he so beautiful !!!


"Should I be nervous? 'Cause I'm kinda nervous."

"You're allowed to be nervous, but you have no reason to be. We're just lookin' at a couple apartments."

"Yeah, apartments that could possibly be our future home. I mean, this matters, we have to think about so many details-"

Ashton took Calum's hips into his hands. "Baby, baby, look at me. Don't overthink this just yet, okay? Right now, all you have to do is drink your iced coffee, stand there and look pretty."

"My iced coffee isn't giving me my gay energy boost slash will to live, so it's worthless to me."

Ashton giggled, "Sweetie, you don't need more energy. You need to relax." He leaned down and kissed at his angel's shoulder while bringing their bodies closer together. "Calm down, okay? We're gonna find a place that we absolutely love."

"You don't know that. We might not."

"Hey, think positive. We'll find a place. Maybe not today, but we will."

He sighed. "I guess I am being a little on the negative side."

"Let go of the bad vibes, angel. It'll all be okay."

"Bad vibes?" Calum repeated in a mocking tone.

Ashton shrugged. "My iced coffee is working."

Calum let out a short laugh and pecked his older lover's lips. "I love you."

"I love you." He replied softly.

"You're stunning, y'know. I wish you'd walked around in your birthday suit on your birthday. Instead you wore stupid clothes."

He shook his head. "I'm glad I didn't, because, ew."

"Shut up, that's the love of my life you're talking shit about."

"Make me."

"You know, for the most dominant man I've ever met, you do exhibit plenty of submissive traits." He kissed the tip of Ashton's nose. "We also don't have time."

"Not even enough for a quickie?"

"That's how most unplanned pregnancies happen." Calum added, smirking.

"You can't get pregnant."

His smile fell. "I wish I could."

"I know, sweetie. Me too."




"'Cause if you were pregnant, you'd wanna have sex a whole lot more."

"I'd also crave weird things like pickles and chocolate at ungodly hours of the night."

"So I'd get you those weird things."

"And I'd gain weight in my thighs and my stomach. Maybe even my ass."

"And every day I'd kiss every inch of you and remind you how much I love you and how beautiful you are."

Calum smiled. He really loved this man. "What if I gained weight and I wasn't pregnant?"

"Same deal."

"You wouldn't be upset?"

"Why would I be upset? Extra weight in your thighs? Who cares? Doesn't matter if your thighs touch, m'gonna spread 'em for you anyways. And a little bit of chub on your tummy? It'd be so cute. Just more of you to love."

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