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an ash and dylan + cal and dom chap again-
look at them they're so precious


So Ashton had royally fucked up. He had slept with Calum, aware of the fact that he was in a serious, committed relationship, then told him that he wanted him back; confessed his love for him, actually, and had still be unable to commit to that decision. He was a piece of shit and he knew it. What kind of person does that? A fucked up person, that's who. He needed to tell Dylan. He knew he'd hate himself if he didn't. The man loved him and supported him unconditionally and deserved to know about the mistake he'd made.

Ashton was going headfirst into this conversation with a planned out explanation and apology. He knew exactly what he had to say to make this all okay. But he also had to tell the truth. It couldn't be both. He either had to be honest and deal with the consequences of his actions, or lie just enough to make everything okay without jeopardizing his relationship.

God, why was he even thinking like that? He needed to tell the truth. It wasn't going to get better if he didn't. If anything, the guilt would just eat away at him more and although he had been a terrible person lately, he did have a heart and he didn't want to carry the weight of that lie.

Dylan was at a meeting today, but he would be home by lunch time. Ashton didn't know if he'd be ready by then. He had to be. Even still, as a grown man, confrontation terrified him. Since you-know-who he had been afraid to ask questions or have an opinion that was different from other people's. Calum made him believe it was okay, and Dylan helped a lot, but the other man had been pure evil, and Ashton had been broken for a long time.

Ashton paced nervously around his living room for hours before Dylan's arrival, repeating his plan over and over again until the words jumbled together and his brain felt like mush. Not ten minutes before the man got home did Ashton realize that his plan might not work. He had planned to explain to Dylan that he'd cheated and that he wanted to be with Calum. However, he knew how hard it was to end a long relationship, and he wasn't looking forward to doing it again.

He wished there was a way he didn't have to break Dylan's heart to be with Calum. He was such a smart, amazing guy, and Ashton really loved him. He just loved Calum more. He wanted to be with Calum more. It wasn't fair to lead Dylan on any longer. He did love him, he just didn't see a future with him, and the only reason he had rushed into things with him was to try and forget Calum. The person he wanted a future with was Calum.

The front door opening startled him. He flinched and felt his body tense, but relaxed slightly upon seeing his raven-haired lover. Until his memory kicked back in and he remembered why he was so terrified in the first place. However, he found it hard to focus on any of that because Dylan was smiling at him so lovingly and...he had flowers in his hands? 

Ashton tried to shake all the negative thoughts from his mind and walked to the door to greet the man. Dylan surprised him by pulling him into his arms and kissing him sweetly the second he was near. Ashton felt weird for liking the attention so much, especially since he didn't deserve it. He simply loved being loved.

"Hi gorgeous." Dylan cooed when they finally broke apart.

Ashton flushed a rose colour. "Hi..."

"I have something to ask you." The man continued smiling brightly.

"What...what is it?" Ashton was not doing a good job of pretending everything was normal.

"Well, first-" Dylan handed him the bouquet of flowers. "These are for you."

Ashton took the flowers into his hands and let a small smile grow on his face.

"And there's one more thing."

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