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wedding !!! a couple months later, baby in about 5 (we gon skip tho) (after the honeymoon chapters)


"Today's the day!"

The exclamation was spoken as they entered their wedding venue. It was joyful in nature, but said nervously as all hell--so nervously that Ashton could hear his own voice tremble clear as day.

"Don't be anxious, my love." Calum squeezed his hand. "It's gonna be great."

"I know." Ashton turned to his soon-to-be-husband. "Okay. We have to get ready now. I'll see you soon, baby."

"Mm-hm." Calum pulled him into a passionate kiss that lasted much longer than he'd anticipated but not nearly long enough. "Next time you see me, I'm gonna be even sexier."

Ashton giggled. "I can't wait to marry you."

"Me neither." Calum looked at him lovingly. "Go get ready. I'll see you soon, my love."

He nodded, and they parted with a final kiss.

Michael was getting Ashton ready, and Luke, Calum. That decision was based on two main things: one, they were paired with their best friends and two, they really didn't have anyone else to ask for help.

They were skipping things like 'best man' (although they still called Michael and Luke their best men), a lot of boring traditions and some that didn't apply to them, like a father-daughter dance.

There weren't many guests. Just close family and friends. Ashton's mum, sister and brother. Calum's mother, father and sister, plus her boyfriend. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn were there. They knew it was a risk, considering all the bad things they'd done, but Ashton had done the same.

Him being at his own wedding was just as much of a risk as simply inviting five of their guests. He was worried, but Calum strangely found it hot. He really was attracted to danger. Ashton didn't mind at all.

"Are you nervous?" Luke asked Calum once they made it into his dressing room.

"Um, a little. Is that bad?"

"No, not at all. It's good that you're worried. I was too."

"I'm not worried, just nervous. They're different. I'm-I'm getting married."

"I know, man. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks. I'm happy too." He laughed anxiously. "How do you think Ash is doing?"

"He's usually pretty calm. I think things are going well."


"So, uh, things are not going well."

Those were the first words Michael heard when he re-entered Ashton's room. It definitely wasn't what he was expecting. The same went for the clothing all around the room. "I was gone for like two minutes. What happened?"

"Well, I was gonna get my suit on, then I realized that Cal might hate it, and then I started thinking about other things-"

"Oh, boy." Michael sighed and sat down.

"If he hates my suit, what's stopping him from hating my hair, or my makeup, or my vows-"

"Ash, stop. He's not gonna hate any of that."

"Maybe not, but-" He reached into his pocket, "I-I came up with a list-"

"Oh my God, dude. Christ." Michael grabbed the paper from his hand and tore it up, but not before making sure that it wasn't actually his vows (because then there'd be a much bigger problem). "He isn't going to hate any bit of what happens today. And he wouldn't want to see you freaking out like this."

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