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⇝ lil aesthetic for ya . trip home to aus . a week after they've moved in . sorry if it seems messy or rushed . 


It was around 11pm, and both of them were home, rocking in the hammock. Calum had finished work early (Ashton never worked that late) and they were making the most of the time they had. Ashton was laying on the hammock and Calum was completely on top of him. Legs intertwined, bodies squished together. Ashton's hands wrapped around Calum and Calum's hands overtop of his. 

Ashton kept one foot on the ground to rock them slowly. He giggled occasionally at the feeling of Calum's curls against his nose. He loved the smell of his shampoo and his hair was so soft. Really, he just loved everything about him. And he had a question to ask; an idea to propose. 

"Hey baby boy?"


"Y'know how you've been talking about going for a trip?"


"How about we go back home to Australia for a visit?"

"Really?" He asked excitedly. "You mean it?"

"Yeah, of course. You wanna meet my family, don't you?"

"Yes. Wanna meet your amazing mother and your cute little siblings. They had such an amazing big brother so I'm sure they're lovely."

"Shut up." Ashton flushed a dark shade of red. "They are, but I-I'm not."

"You are." Calum turned and kissed the tip of his nose. He wouldn't take no for an answer and he hoped Ashton knew that. "So...when?"

"I was hoping, like, soon."

"How soon?"

"About a week from now?"

"Oh. Wow. Okay. Yeah. Sounds good."


"Yeah, just gotta find someone to watch Duke."

"Michael and Luke?"

"Maybe. Mali might wanna."

"She might also never give him back."

"Willing to take that chance 'cause I can always kidnap someone she loves."

"Fair." Ashton hummed. "So, next week."

"Yes." He giggled, "Is there any specific reason why other than me meeting your family?"

"I wanna spend time with you, but other than that, no."


"Alright." Calum replied with narrowed eyes. He pecked Ashton's lips softly and smiled. "It's gonna be so much fun. I can't wait."

"I know, me neither."

For a reason he could barely contain.


about a week later bc who cares time literally isn't real


"Baby, are you ready?"

"Yes! Let's go!"

"I'm at the door, smarty-pants. Where are you?"

"Getting dressed!"

"So you aren't ready. Why did you not get dressed first?"

"'Cause I can't decide what I'm gonna wear!"

Ashton sighed, smiling, and walked up the stairs to their bedroom. There he found Calum standing in his shirt and a pair of panties (what he'd slept in). The younger man giggled nervously and waved at him. Ashton shook his head playfully and walked over to the closet.

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