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cute cute cute sad sad sad and also two or three weeks later. their outfits. currently obsessed with the idea of cal in a crop top and you can't stop me.


ashtonirwin: are you awake?


Calum debated on answering for a long time. It was 2am. He had no idea what Ashton could possibly want. They weren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment. But he loved him. God did he love him. More than anything in the world and it would probably kill him but he didn't mind.

He couldn't sleep. He missed him. He missed falling asleep in his arms and waking up the same way. He missed the way his fingers felt in his hair. He missed his kisses. He missed those deep, meaningful conversations they used to have in the middle of the night, and the slow and gentle love-making that typically followed. 

He had to be honest, that was his favourite kind of sex. He loved when Ashton was rough with him, but he preferred to be treated gently; having his hair brushed from his face, being kissed and admired like he was the only person in the world and Ashton wouldn't rather be anywhere else.

And he didn't care that he wasn't supposed to he thinking of that right then; it was all he could think about. He was craving Ashton, in every sense of the word, and he swore he would die if he didn't satisfy that need soon. Still, he knew it was unwise. And he was getting way off topic.


calumhood: can't sleep. can't shut my brain off.

ashtonirwin: then what do you say, cal? you, me and the stars?

calumhood: ashton...

ashtonirwin: i know, i know, but i need to see you. please. 

calumhood: we haven't spoken in weeks and i don't see why we should start now. i need to see proof that you've changed. 

ashtonirwin: i have something for you. a few somethings, actually. proof, if you will. 

calumhood: you can't win me over with material objects, ashton.

ashtonirwin: i'm not trying to. i'd just like to see you.

calumhood: okay, fine. pick me up?

ashtonirwin: of course. should i bring blankets?

calumhood: yes. actually...maybe one of your hoodies instead? please 🥺

ashtonirwin: sure. snacks too?

calumhood: yeah

ashtonirwin: okay love. i'll be over soon.

calumhood: see you then

ashtonirwin: ❤️

[ calumhood is offline ]

[ ashtonirwin is offline ]


Just as Ashton had said, he was over quickly. Within fifteen minutes. He knocked softly on the door, and Calum opened it eagerly. But he hoped it didn't seem that way. Ashton was forcing a smile. So was Calum. They could've been real grins, but both of them were too stubborn. 

Ashton looked Calum up and down and gulped. He looked so pretty. How did he look so pretty? It was two in the morning for fuck's sake and he looked like he'd spent hours on his appearance. Ashton had always been jealous of how Calum was stunning no matter the situation. Fuck, he was distracting himself. 

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