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cal's fit . pls comment lovelies 💕


"I might've done something stupid."

He was going to have to be more specific, he knew. Lately, he'd done all sorts of stupid things, and Michael knew about most of them. However, the one he was speaking of now was something he hadn't told anyone. The man sighed and poured yet another drink for his Maori friend. "What exactly do you mean?"

Calum took the glass from the man and greedily gulped down just shy of half the beverage. "So you remember Ashton, right?"

Michael pursed his lips. "Don't be a smart-ass. Of course I do. What does he have to do with this?"

"Well, he's dating someone else."

"Yeah, I figured..." Michael waved his hand, urging Calum to continue. "And the stupid thing you did has to do with Ashton?"

"Actually...Ashton did a stupid thing." Calum hid his face in his hands. "And that stupid thing was me."

Michael's eyes widened. "You slept with him?"

"Keep your voice down." Calum hissed. Michael gave him a slightly apologetic look. "Yes, we slept together."

Michael was very against this entire situation. Calum's entire situation. And he was a little upset he hadn't known. For the sake of his friend's conscience and sanity, however, he tried to remain calm, and closed his eyes before asking, "And were either of you single when this occurred?"

"Neither of us were." Calum regretfully admitted. Michael let out a dramatic breath and threw his hands out at his sides. "Before you get mad, just listen, okay?"

"Fine, go on. The reasoning behind this better be good."

Calum nodded. "So, it was my birthday and I was at your house for the little party you guys had planned. Ash showed up, drunk off his ass, confused and clumsy as hell. I don't know why he was there or how he got there, but since I'm a nice person who doesn't hold grudges, I offered to drive him home. He didn't want to go home, so I gave in and took him to my place."

"Two red flags already." Michael pointed out and licked his lips. "Continue."

"He asked me a couple questions when we got there, but the second I brought up Dom, he got all pissy. He went to bed shortly after that."

"He slept in your bed?"

"Yeah, and I slept on the couch."

"Cal, you're not in a relationship with him anymore; you don't have to make sacrifices like that. Fuckin' hell, you shouldn't be making them, and especially not for him!"

"Let me finish my story." Calum griped. Obviously, this wasn't a story he wanted to tell, but he had to. "So he woke up late and I had been up for a while. We talked a bit; I explained the night before; we ate breakfast and then he went for a shower."

"So how did you end up fucking?"

Calum glared at his blonde friend. "I went for a smoke and he joined me. I was singing, 'cause it's my apartment and I can do whatever the fuck I want."

Michael nodded and made a face that said something like 'that checks out'.

"He...he complimented me, then kissed my shoulder." A shiver ran down Calum's spine at the mere thought. "He asked me what I was singing, I told him, he—"

"What were you singing?"

Calum wasn't upset by that question at all. He, Michael and Luke had actually written together on many occasions. They knew what was going through his mind when he wrote those songs. They had gotten him through a lot by just being there and he was thankful. "I was singing Want You Back."

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