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aight here we go . cute stuffs . he lookin at his lipsss. excuse mistakes if there are any


"Dinner!" Harry yelled from the kitchen. 

Ashton walked into the living room, smiling, and mumbled, "Dinner, you two."

Lauren and Calum cleaned up the nail polish quickly. Lauren walked past her brother into the dining room. Calum grabbed Ashton's hand and kissed his cheek. "I'm kinda nervous."

"Don't be. It's gonna be fun."

"Okay." Calum nodded. He squeezed his hand and smiled. "It'll be fun."

"I mean, probably."

"Shut up." Calum laughed happily albeit nervously. 

He walked into the dining room, Ashton right behind him. He greeted his lover's family with a smile. Ashton pulled his chair out for his angel, then sat down beside him. "Food looks great, mum."

"It really does." Calum added softly. He was nervous as all hell and trying desperately not to let it show.

"Thank you, dear." She said to Calum. She turned to her eldest son. "You helped, of course you think it looks good."

"Well, I'm a pretty good cook. I learned it from you, after all."

"Oh, enough with the flattery. I want to get to know our guest."

Calum squeaked quietly and anxiously. Ashton placed his free hand on his fiance's thigh, and that helped calm him down a little. It also sent a swarm of butterflies right to his stomach. 

"So, I know everyone asks this, but how did you two meet?"

"Um...well, by accident."

"You gotta give her a little more detail than that, baby." Ashton chuckled and squeezed his thigh. "I sent him a text message, it wasn't meant to be him--a wrong number sort of thing, basically--but I'm so glad it was."

"That's sweet. So he was nearby, then?"

"Actually, not far from here. About forty minutes." Calum answered for himself. "Ash was very far away."

"But not for long."

"Yes for long, way too long, and then I came to see you."

"One of the best days of my life." Ashton whispered. Calum blushed and looked down at his plate of food. He then looked over at Ashton's and noticed he hadn't touched it. He frowned, scooped up a bite and brought it up to his lover's mouth, which he gladly accepted. "Thank you, sweetie."

Anne looked at them, smiling though confused, and decided against commenting on it. "How long have you known each other?"

"Well, um, almost three years. Dated for two of those."

"Wow. That's lovely."

The both of them nodded.

"I love your top, Cal." Lauren pointed out.

Calum stifled a giggle and looked over at Ashton, whose eyes clearly warned him not to make a joke. "Thank you. I love yours."

"Do you like sports?" Harry chimed in. "Football?"

"I do. I played on a team when I was about your age." Calum replied.

"Are you any good?"

"Well, I like to think so." He added, chuckling.

"Maybe we could play together sometime."

"I'd like that."

Ashton smiled at the three--four, really--of them interacting. It was nice to see. He was so happy that his family seemed to love Calum almost as much as he did. Calum fed him another bite and praised him quietly, so only the two of them would hear.

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