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some angst ig . baby boy .


Calum woke up to a pair of lips pressed against his temple and an arm draped over his waist. It didn't feel like home, but then again, nowhere truly did anymore. Had it all been a dream? Was Ashton not really gone? Oh God, that had been the worst he'd ever felt and he hoped will all he had that it was just a dream.

He lifted his head, ignoring how much it ached, and looked over to see not Ashton but...Harry? What the fuck was going on and how the fuck did they end up here? The other man shifted a little and Calum's breathing hitched. "Good morning, sunshine." He huskily whispered. "I would've had breakfast ready, but you were asleep on my arm and I didn't want to wake you. You're very cute when you sleep, by the way."

Calum sat up quickly and frantically jumped out of the bed, pulling on his boxers from the night before and shaking his head, "No, there's no need--oh my god, did we...god, no!"

"Yeah, we did." Harry sat up as well. Calum mentally cursed him. How did he look so good when he'd just woken up? "Stay for breakfast, at least."

"Why? I-I mean, this was obviously just a-"

"A one time thing, yes, but I know you're hurting and I'd like to help. You can't keep it all inside, y'know? Bottling it up won't do any good."

"How could you possibly help?" He didn't mean for his tone to be so rude however his head was killing him and he'd just had a drunken one night stand with one of the love of his life's closest friends. He was a little (a lot) ashamed of himself, and he was fully prepared to take it out on Harry.

"I'm a pretty good listener."

Calum rolled his eyes and sighed. What did he really have to lose? "Fine, I'll stay."

"Thank you."

Harry climbed out of his bed. Calum found it hard not to stare. His face flushed as memories of the night before filled his mind. He couldn't lie, he had enjoyed it. Quite a lot, actually. It felt so nice to be treated like he mattered again. And complimented. God, did he love being praised.

Of course, he would've loved if it was Ashton making him feel that way; his stomach in knots, his face bright red and his heart beating wildly--but he'd wanted literally anybody's attention, and he'd gotten it, so he couldn't complain. And he really didn't have any complaints. Harry was wonderful.

He hadn't had any of those worries about how flawed his body was because Harry made him feel truly beautiful. He hadn't worried about all of his little faults like he had during his and Ashton's first time. Then again, Ashton had practically worshipped him back then. He'd kissed every inch of him and made sure he knew that every little scar or imperfection was absolutely stunning.

Fuck, he was making himself sad again. He had to stop.

With Harry, he'd felt truly safe and actually valued for the first time in months. He hadn't worried that he wasn't good enough because he didn't honestly care. Of course, that was probably the alcohol talking. At the moment, all he could do was worry.

Was his breath terrible? Did he look disheveled and exhausted? Did he smell? He was one hundred percent certain he did, and so he tried to cover himself, but he couldn't find his clothes. Then Harry crossed the room, pecked his cheek and whispered "you look beautiful," while resting his hand on Calum's hip.

Calum shook his head. "No. Shut up."


"Because you're being nice and it's weird." Calum pulled on his own hair. "This was just sex and you're still complimenting me like it was more than that."

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