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smiley cashton :-) the loves of my sad lil life 


Calum and Ashton arrived at the warehouse around 1pm. Iced coffees in their hands and a gun tucked into the waistband of Ashton's jeans. The two of them were more nervous than they would've liked to admit, but they thought they were handling it well. 

Ashton wanted to speak with Harry privately about issues regarding Calum. He wasn't planning on yelling or hitting him. He'd planned out what he was going to say on the car ride there. He'd recently tried to be more mature when speaking with other adults, and it had worked thus far. He didn't see it going horribly, but Harry was unpredictable. 

Calum had a smoke on the drive over, but refused to let Ashton touch it. He didn't want Ashton to need them like he did. Calum went inside first to make sure they didn't just have Nick sitting out in the open. They didn't. Harry was there waiting for the two of them at the door. 

"Hey." He greeted. 

Calum merely nodded in response. 

"Where's Ash?"

"Outside. Wants to talk to you."

"Okay. Thanks." 

"Yeah. M'gonna go talk to Lou."

Harry nodded and stepped outside. He found Ashton at the side of the building, picking at his jacket sleeve. He turned a little and Harry saw that he was smoking a cigarette. Harry frowned and slapped it out of his hand. "I'm guessing you're not supposed to be doing this. So why are you?"

"I'm scared as fuck right now and he wouldn't let me smoke even though he was, so I have to have one when he isn't around."

"It's for your own good. Smoking is bad for you. Plus, you shouldn't lie to him. Isn't that what got you into that mess in the first place?"

"Yeah." He clenched his jaw. "It is. I know. Sorry."

"S'okay." Harry mumbled dismissively. "So what did you need to talk to me about?"

Ashton cleared his throat. "Um, I know about you and Cal." 


"And...at first I was mad. So mad that I said something evil and disgusting and made hypocritical accusations I was in no position to be making. And that resulted in a car accident." 

"I know." Harry told him. "We saw each other afterwards. He called me n' I came over." 

Ashton exhaled sharply through his nose. He was trying so hard to stay calm and that comment hadn't helped. "And then I was sad, because I wasn't there to help him. I wasn't what he wanted, but you were." 

"You've always been who he wants. Don't doubt that for a minute." 

Ashton nodded slowly. "Anyways, what I wanted to say was thank you."

"What? Why?" Harry didn't know if he'd heard that correctly. 

"I wanna say thank you." He repeated. 

"But for what?"

"I'm not happy that you slept with the love of my life, but...he needed it. He needed someone, and if he had to be with anyone--even though the thought makes me nauseous--I'm glad it was you. You're a good guy." 

"Oh. Well, that might be a bit of a stretch, but you're welcome." Harry smirked a little. "He's so stunning, it was my pleasure-"

"Okay, no. Shut up. Don't talk about him like that. I know he doesn't belong to me, but he's mine and if you so much as think about him I will break your legs." 

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