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ahhh no thoughts head empty only cashton baby


4am. Calum and Ashton were a tangle of limbs beneath their huge, fluffy duvet. Calum's face was squished against Ashton's chest and Ashton's was buried in his husband's curly hair. Duke and Alistair were curled up at the foot of the bed.

It was a peaceful and quiet hour. At least, every other morning it would be. Then Calum's phone rang. Loudly. It startled both of them awake, but neither moved to get it.

"Your phone." Ashton groaned, shifting ever so slightly.

"Fuck off." Calum mumbled in response and tried to roll away.

Ashton chuckled and grabbed a pillow. He smacked his husband with it. "Answer your phone. What if it's important?"

"They'll call back."

"Babe." Ashton whispered, smiling sleepily.

"Bite me."


Calum yawned and laughed quietly. "Will you pass it to me?"

Ashton reached for his still ringing phone and dropped it on his husband's stomach. "Going back to bed."

"No the fuck you aren't. You're gonna make wakin' me up worth it. Get to stretching, young man."

"Oh, gosh. Alright."

Calum answered his phone, and shortly into the call, he was wide eyed and panicked looking. "Oh, right now? Okay, we'll be right over. Yes, we're on our way."

He hung up and jumped out of bed. "Get up, Ashy!"

"Where are we going? What's happening?"

"Baby! Time to go!"

"The pet name is cute, but-"

"No, dumbass, baby! They're here!"

The use of the neutral pronoun was not only due to the fact that toxic gender stereotypes would not be forced unto this child, but also that they didn't want to know the biological gender until they met them. The room was decorated accordingly.

"Oh, fuck, really?"

"Yes! Get up!"

"I'm up, I'm up!" He shot out of bed and pulled on the closest pieces of clothes he could find. That happened to be a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. But it didn't matter at all. He was about to be a father.

He and Calum grabbed a bag (prepared in advance) filled with clothes and other things for their baby. They rushed to the hospital, nervous as all hell, holding hands like their lives depended on it.

They checked in at the front desk and were allowed into the room. Their child was laying in a hospital provided bassinet beside the hospital bed. Their mother had already left--the three of them talked for a bit, but she couldn't stay, not wanting to intrude on their moment.

They moved toward the bassinet, holding onto each other desperately, so nervous and excited and insanely happy.

"Oh my gosh." Calum whispered, tears in his eyes. "So beautiful." He picked up the little card attached to the side of the bassinet and read over it. "She's so beautiful."

Ashton had to agree. "Just like you."

"Oh, shut up." He lightly smacked his husband's arm. "Can I--can I hold her?"

Ashton nodded. "Yeah, of course. Go ahead."

Calum reached into the bassinet with shaky hands and carefully slipped his hands beneath his daughter. He slowly brought her to his chest and shakily sighed. "A-Ash..."

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