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↠ just some fluff today folks . how is he so fucking STUNNING


Today was a day off for both Calum and Ashton, thankfully, and they spent every minute of it sitting and doing nothing. Whether that be laying in bed and talking, relaxing on the sofa and tracing each other's curves or together in the shower (they couldn't help themselves and this was a well known fact).

They were just trying to spend as much time together as possible because they knew that the next day they both had work and would hardly see each other. They knew they should've been organizing their things and getting ready to pack, but neither had any motivation to do such things (plus they didn't yet have a place and found it foolish to start so soon).

At the moment, Ashton was laying on the sofa playing with Duke and Calum was in the kitchen looking for food. He was hungry, but he didn't know what he wanted. Then, after checking the fridge twice, he gave up. But he also had another question. One not relating to food but rather...of the marital sort.

"Hey Ashy?"


"If we get married-"

"When." The older man corrected quietly, eyes focused on the small dog in his lap. "We talked about this, I'm marrying you and that's that."

"Okay." Calum's heart warmed. "When we get married--when we decide we want to, anyway, who's going to propose?"

"Well I was thinking I would. Hoping, actually."


"Not to perpetuate patriarchal societal views or anything...um, typically in a relationship there's a manly one and a feminine one--"

"Baby, I know what you're trying to say. In the eyes of most people there must be a 'man' and a 'woman' in a relationship, regardless of actual gender. And typically, on the topic of proposing marriage, a man is who should be making that step. Because he's in charge."

"Yes. But I don't believe in that, which you know."

"Of course. But you feel as the more dominant person in our relationship you should be the one doing it. I understand."


"Yes. I've always imagined being proposed to. I mean...you're worth it, I want to, but also...I'd rather be proposed to."

"I know. So I will propose."

"Okay." Calum climbed onto Ashton's lap. "How're you gonna do it?"

"I can't tell you that."

"You have no idea." Calum giggled and brushed through his hair.

"I do so. I've got it all planned out, so suck it." He stuck his tongue out at Calum, who then tried to join their lips. "I've known for a while how I am gonna propose."

"Tell me."


"Tell me."


"If I guess it correctly, will you tell me then?"

"It's unlikely you will guess it right. But yeah, if you do, I will definitely tell you."

"I feel like you're lying but okay." He cleared his throat. "So, do I have to guess the scenario and the date or the time of year?"

"Yeah, that sounds fair."

"Okay." Calum proceeded to guess many, many situations in which Ashton could possibly propose. None were correct, which Ashton found funny. Calum was not so amused. "I give up." He exclaimed defeatedly. "I don't know."

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