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ooooo y'all ain't ready . better comment a lot or imma be disappointed .


On their third day back home in Australia, Ashton decided he was going to take Calum for a picnic. A non-traditional one, considering most picnics take place during the summer and at the moment, it was snowing, but a picnic nonetheless.

He obviously wasn't going to make his angel sit in the snow and get all cold and wet, so he found them a table beneath a small gazebo-like structure. He made them lunch, one typically brought on picnics: tiny sandwiches, fruit (strawberries and chocolate to dip them in) and a bottle of wine.

He had actually spent a lot of time thinking about whether or not to go with cider instead, but eventually came to the conclusion that as long as Calum was there with him, he'd be okay. Just a glass would be fine. He could handle that. And even if he decided he couldn't, he just didn't have to have any and he knew Calum would understand.

In addition to lunch, he had spent over a week making a scrapbook completely full of pictures from every important point in their relationship. The captions were handwritten, the pictures were taped in carefully and the pages were decorated with items that related to inside jokes and things that he knew Calum loved.

There was one specific page that Ashton was very excited for Calum to look at; one page that, if he was lucky, would change his life. He was terribly nervous that Calum was going to discover what was going on. He wanted it to be a surprise. He needed it to work out.

They stayed in the cabin until about 10am. During that time, they did nothing but lay in bed and talk. Eventually, they got up and decided to function. Showering, getting dressed, etcetera. There was still time before they had planned to leave, so, after finishing getting ready, they were sitting around and waiting once again.

"Hey, angel? Could you do something for me?"

"I would literally cover up a murder you committed, plant my own DNA at the crime scene and take the blame for you if you asked."

"Great. Will you wash the couple dishes by the sink?"

"Fuck you and your dishes!"

Ashton burst out laughing. "Cal, what the--"

"I don't do dishes."

Ashton paused for a moment to think. He had never, in three years of knowing Calum, seen him do the dishes. "Wow. Okay. What if I bought you a little maid outfit?"

"Perhaps then I would partake in the cleaning. I think it would be my duty, actually."

"Yeah, it would be. I'd still help though."

"And then you'd bend me over furniture and tease me, yes?"

"As long as you don't say anything to ruin the mood."

"I'm hilarious, I can't help it."

"Okay, but, like, when I grab your ass or something and you go 'step-bro, what are you doing?' in a weird, girly voice it's less funny than it is weird as fuck."

"You're wrong. It's hilarious and so am I."

"Alright." Ashton shook his head, chuckling softly. "Whatever you say."

Calum nodded and smiled. "Y'know, although I'm not wearing a skirt, I actually really do like what I'm wearing today."

Ashton looked him up and down. He was wearing a plain white corset top, a pair of high-rise baggy blue jeans and blue bucket hat with a little frog on it. He'd be wearing a jacket when they were out so he'd obviously be covered up and no one would be looking at what was Ashton's.

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