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shits about to go down fam

trigger warning : mentions rape + suicide. murder. essentially all of the dialogue contains these topics. mental health is important and if these things trigger you, i advise you not to read.

i'm expecting lots of comments tho don't let me down


Nick opened his eyes.

Seven piercing gazes, all on him. The men towered over him, stone-faced and motionless. The room was cold and dark. He tried to move his arms, then realized his hands were tied behind his back. "What the..." His voice failed him. His head pounded. His eyes felt like they were being ripped from his skull. He had no idea where he was. He didn't recognize anyone in front of him.

The tallest man snapped his fingers and pointed in his direction. Boots scuffling against the floor, hushed murmurs, and then a face he hadn't seen in years was standing right in front of him.

"Ash?" Nick breathed out softly, shocked and confused. "Is that you? God, you changed so much..."

"Shut the fuck up." Ashton hissed. Another man stepped forward, placed an arm around Ashton's waist and pressed a lingering kiss to his temple. Ashton smiled briefly before turning back to his demon.

"Where am I? Who are they?"

Another taller man hopped down from his seat atop a crate. "Where are our manners? I'm Harry, those four over there are Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn, and the man holding our dearest Ashton is Calum. We know you know Ashton, you sick bastard." 

"Yes, I do." He smugly replied. Calum clenched his jaw, made a tight fist and lifted his arm, completely ready to bash Nick's face in, but Ashton held him back.

"No, I wanna hit him first." 

The man's heartbeat sped up. "I'm sorry, what?"

Ashton laughed bitterly and cracked his knuckles. "Y'know how most people get to see the people who hurt them go to jail?"


"And y'know how scum like you would be killed in jail?"

"Scum like me?" He repeated, looking around the room.

Ashton took a step forward. "Yes, scum like you. Since you never got punished for what you did and I never got to see you get what you deserved, I'm gonna hurt you. A lot. And you're gonna sit there and take it. And you might cry, and you might beg me to stop, but I won't. Because you didn't."

He took a deep breath. Calum grabbed his hand and squeezed reassuringly. Nick watched them and a disgusted look crossed his face.

"So what, are you two fuckin' then?"

Ashton clenched his jaw. What happened next was quick, almost too quick for the rest of them to even catch. His fist landed with a loud thud on Nick's left cheek, sending his head flailing to the side. The metal chair teetered and scraped against the floor. Harry and the other men laughed and applauded, while Calum solemnly nodded his head. He pulled Ashton back into his chest and kissed his shoulder. "You've got a killer right hook, my love."

Ashton exhaled shakily. "Thank you." He took Calum's hand again and the man brushed his thumb across his knuckles. "That felt good."

"No it didn't." Nick groaned, moving his jaw slowly.

"Shut the fuck up, no one cares what you think." Calum spat. He locked eyes with Ashton. "Can I, please?" Ashton nodded. Calum cocked his arm back as if he was winding a watch. With tremendous force, he launched it forward, heading straight for Nick's face. His fist landed in a stern blow to his other cheek.

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