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idek anymore . fluff ig . nothin' really happens , i'm building up to the final chapters . he's a lil nugget .


Ashton woke up to a beautiful view of the sun shining brightly through the motel's bedroom window and the sound of birds chirping. He looked at his sleeping, snoring angel beside him and smiled. He loved waking up next to him.

He considered waking him up for a while, then decided to let him sleep a while longer. He kissed his shoulder blade, mumbled a soft "I love you," into his ear and climbed out of bed. He walked towards the 'kitchen' in only a pair of sweats and made himself a tea. He planned to make Calum one when he woke him up.

He also grabbed a bowl of fruit (mango slices and strawberry halves) then went to sit on the balcony. He sat there for a while, despite the chill, enjoying the view and thinking about, well, everything, then decided around 9:30 that it was time to wake Calum up and annoy him with his love.

He made Calum a coffee because he needed it to wake up in the morning. Ashton didn't but that was okay. They were allowed to be different. He also brought him a fresh bowl of fruit since he'd nearly finished his (he didn't have much trouble eating if it was something healthy, so he tried to eat more fruits and veggies because he did want to get better).

He set the breakfast down, climbed into the bed carefully, then, completely undoing all that cautious work, fell on top of Calum, squishing him with his whole weight (which he always loved). "Mornin', sweetpea."

Calum only groaned in response. Ashton giggled softly into the junction between his neck and shoulder and brushed through his messy hair. "I've come to smother you with affection until you join me in the land of the living. Probably afterwards too, 'cause I love you so much."

"M'tired, daddy." The younger man croaked.

"The longer you sleep the more tired you'll feel."

"Don't believe you." Calum replied sleepily. "Maybe you should let me find out."

"No, it's time to wake up! We're gonna do stuff!"

"Like what?"

"I was thinkin' we could work out a little bit. I'm gonna, at least, while you eat."

"Have you eaten?"

Barely even awake, Calum still only cared about Ashton.

"Yes, I had fruit. I brought you some. A coffee too!"

"Was your fruit yummy?"

"Very." Ashton answered. "Now wake up, please. We're gonna do stuff together and have fun. I am specifically requesting it."

"But did you pencil it in?"

"Oh my God-" Ashton groaned playfully. "Wake up or I'll never 'pencil it in' again."

"You foolish, weak-willed mortal. If only that were true."

"No, I'm being serious."

"Don't believe you."

"Fine. Go back to bed and find out." Ashton challenged. Calum, starting to believe that maybe Ashton might not be kidding, flipped them over and joined their lips softly. Ashton hummed triumphantly and pecked his lips a few times before pulling away.

"Ah, fuck. Forgot about morning breath. Sorry."

"No, don't be." He shrugged. "Don't care."

"Okay." He blushed. "I'm awake, by the way."

"No shit. I couldn't tell." Ashton sarcastically remarked. Calum slapped him playfully across the face. "No, don't, it's too early to make me feel that way."

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