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that pic i- 😳

point out mistakes pls


Ashton woke up the next morning and decided that he needed to make things right. He knew that Calum would probably never forgive him, and that was okay, but he needed to apologize, even if it only made him feel better. With slightly trembling hands, he typed out a message for his ex lover, hoping that, although it was a long shot, his plan would work.


ashtonirwin: will you meet me somewhere?


The sudden text caught Calum very off guard. Made him stop, drop what he was doing and stare, perplexed, at his phone. It wasn't entirely that he didn't want to see Ashton, but also that he was supposed to be moving on, and the older man suddenly wouldn't let him. For a year after their breakup, Ashton had left him alone, but now, just as Calum had gotten his life together, that was when Ashton wanted to see him again.

The text came randomly, and it brought every single memory they had ever made with it. Memories that Calum had tried way too hard to forget were suddenly all he could think about. They made his heartbeat increase and his breathing become shaky. With trembling hands, he typed a reply.


calumhood: i don't mean to be rude, but why?

ashtonirwin: because i want to see you, and i'd like to talk

calumhood: but i don't understand why

ashtonirwin: do you really despise me that much that we can't even talk anymore?

calumhood: i do not despise you, i just don't know why you want to see me

ashtonirwin: i just do, okay?
ashtonirwin: god cal, i knew you were stubborn but this is just something else

calumhood: don't call me 'cal'
calumhood: yeah i'm stubborn, i always was
calumhood: and excuse me for being reluctant to see you

ashtonirwin: you're allowed to be reluctant
ashtonirwin: i just wanna know what's going on with you, and i wanna apologize
ashtonirwin: so can we meet somewhere?

calumhood: i can tell you that right now
calumhood: i'm still alive, duke is still alive, michael and luke are still upset with you, and harry offered me a job

ashtonirwin: i'm glad that you and duke are still alive, i figured that michael and luke would still be mad
ashtonirwin: but holy shit harry offered you a job
ashtonirwin: doing what?

calumhood: he, louis, zayn, niall and liam own a bar

ashtonirwin: please tell me you're not gonna take it

calumhood: why shouldn't i?
calumhood: i'll make good tips and i'll be able to see mike

ashtonirwin: they're criminals!
ashtonirwin: and mike works there too?
ashtonirwin: what do you need the money for?

calumhood: honestly? none of your business
calumhood: he works there because harry has turned his life around

ashtonirwin: i seriously doubt that

calumhood: i did too, until i saw him again
calumhood: he's done very well for himself

ashtonirwin: well alright then
ashtonirwin: still terrible but ok
ashtonirwin: i'm so sorry for hurting you

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