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the way him n ash are both holding the little stuffie i can't.

anyways no tw today just some fluff.

pls comment . or don't . if you'd rather run me over that's ok too .


After the awful experience Calum and Ashton had shared the day before yesterday, they both decided that yet another day for just the two of them was necessary. Because although they had just had such a day, they needed a second (it had been a day of just the two of them, but was more sad than anything).

After a small breakfast, the two of them headed to the mall. Neither knew exactly what they were looking for, but they knew that if they were together, they'd have a good time. After stopping for iced coffee (something neither could live without) they wandered around for a while aimlessly.

Calum felt comfortable in what he was wearing today: a pair of plain black leggings and one of Ashton's big t-shirts. He always felt at home in Ashton's clothes. They smelled amazing and were so warm; it was almost like Ashton was actually hugging him (even when he wasn't, which was rare) and he loved it.

Calum decided he wanted new clothes, so he and Ashton went to an out-of-the-way store. Calum wouldn't say why, but Ashton knew it was because he was a little self-conscious. Not embarrassed of what he was wearing, but rather worried that seeing other attractive people would make him feel worse about himself.

And he had no reason to. But although Ashton always thought he was stunning, Calum sadly did not. He couldn't honestly blame him. Ashton had struggled for a long time (and still did) with body image. What he saw in the mirror was not what was true, but his brain had long ago told him it was, and now he believed it was too late to change that mindset.

They spent a solid twenty minutes searching through clothes until Calum found exactly what he was looking for.

"Skirts, Ashy!" He squealed. "Pink ones and blue ones and--oh, they're all so pretty! Come look!"

Ashton rushed to his side and placed a hand on his lower back. "Which ones do you wanna try on?"

"Um..." He tapped his chin. "The plaid one, the checkered one and the white one. To start."

"Okay. Do you want me to hold 'em for you?"

"Sure." He pecked his older lover's cheek. "M'gonna look for big hoodies."

Ashton smiled and watched Calum rush around the aisles, looking for sweaters big enough to swallow him whole. Eventually, he gave up the search on his own, and ran back to Ashton to drag him along. He wanted Ashton to like what he chose since he was the one who saw him in these types of clothes most often.

"Okay..." Ashton sifted through the sweaters on the rack. He picked out a plain black hoodie with the word 'baby' in bold, white lettering on the chest. "This one with the plaid one?"

Calum smiled at him. "Okay."

Ashton smiled back then continued looking. He pulled out a white turtleneck, scrunched up his nose in disgust and put it back. He then pulled out a mustard yellow sweater that read 'I'm going to hell anyways'. He held it up for Calum to read and raised his eyebrows suggestively.

Calum nodded eagerly. Ashton added it to the pile of clothes hanging on his arm and reached back in. When he pulled his hand out, he was holding a light pink sweater, this one reading 'til death, we do art'.

"You don't have to say you like it just 'cause I picked it, y'know."

"It just so happens that you have excellent taste, my love."

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