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an actual muke chap bc i need a break from the emotional damage cashton are causing rn. there may be a couple more of these idk it depends on how much more pain i add to the storyline

also i'm including the wedding chap not yet but soon which means YES it is important to the plot


Michael woke up to a pair of soft lips touching his shoulder and delicate fingers running through his hair. Absentmindedly, he smiled. God, he was so in love. He cracked an eye open and shut it again immediately. Son of a bitch. Who the hell had opened the blinds? It was way too bright.

"Lu?" He croaked, reaching out for his lover.


"Why are the curtains open?"

The man shrugged and tucked a piece of hair behind his lover's ear. "The sun's out."

"And what do you expect me to do? Photosynthesis?"

Luke laughed and pressed his forehead to Michael's shoulder blade. "No, I just wanna spend some more time with you before Haisley gets back from my mum's. Take a shower, maybe go get some breakfast..."

"Okay." He hummed. He turned away from the window and slowly opened his eyes, then reached up and ran his hand down the side of Luke's face. "I love that your voice is the first thing I hear in the morning."

The platinum blonde man grinned. "Me too."

They stayed silent for a while, just laying there, smiling at each other. Both of them had so many things to say but a lifetime to say it all. They weren't worried, because there'd always be time. They'd be okay. And they'd be each other's, forever. The idea made a warmth spread through both of their bodies. Michael wrapped his arms around Luke's broad shoulders and pulled him down onto his chest.

"I love you." He whispered. He made it sound like a promise. In a way, it was.

"I love you too, pumpkin. Always will."

Michael giggled softly into the man's neck and kissed every inch of the skin he could reach. After a couple minutes of laying there, Luke spoke up, "So...shower?"


"To save water." Luke added smugly, as if it was the only option.

"You could just tell me you wanna see me naked, y'know."

"You know I'm terrible with words. Plus, it's not just that. I can see you naked any time I like. I wanna wash your hair and make you feel pretty."

Michael flushed a light pink. "Oh. Okay."

"Doesn't your bum still hurt from last night, anyways?"

The older man slapped his arm gently and began climbing out of their bed. "Shush."

"Alright, fine." Luke chuckled softly. "I'll go get the water running."

Michael pecked his cheek once, and then he was gone. God, he couldn't wait to marry him. It was going to be beautiful. Luke was going to look beautiful. Haisley would be the most stunning flower girl. And Michael would finally have everything he'd ever dreamed of. A family that loved him and was there for him. The perfect family he'd always wanted.

He smiled to himself and climbed out of their bed, heading to the bathroom in only his briefs (he was ninety percent sure they were actually Luke's but he didn't care). There were still times when he felt ashamed of his body, but around Luke, those times were becoming fewer and fewer. He was slowly but surely loving every inch of Michael so intensely that he couldn't hate himself. Michael did the same for him.

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