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get ready for some fluff bitches . we love us some wholesome boyfriends 🥺🥺


After yesterday, Calum could tell Ashton was still a little shaken up. He didn't want to say anything and upset him again, because he'd hate himself if Ashton ran off to suffer and be alone because of him. So, this morning while the older man took a shower, Calum created a little surprise for him.

He took the cushions from his sofa, blankets and sheets, and LED lights he'd been waiting to use and made them a fort in the living room. He got hot apple cider instead of wine, and sugar cookies (that he didn't have to eat if he didn't want to because Calum was proud of him for eating breakfast and he didn't want to force food on him).

When Ashton finally emerged from the bathroom, Calum met him in the hallway. Ashton was looking down, drying his hair with a towel, and the second he looked up and saw what his angel was wearing, his jaw dropped. He quickly let go of the towel and took Calum's hips into his hands. His eyes scanned over the sweater he was wearing (which was Ashton's) and his plaid skirt. "Angel..."

Calum smiled and swung his hips from side to side slowly. "I have a surprise for you."

"Yeah?" He attached his lips to Calum's neck and pulled him closer. "Is this it?"

"N-no. It's in the living room."

"Mm, okay." He sighed and pressed a lingering kiss to his collarbone. "Lead the way."

Calum took his hand and pulled him towards the living room. He'd shut the blinds so the room was dark, and the lights lit up the room just enough to see. "Oh, this is so beautiful, baby. Did you do this for me?"

"Uh-huh." He nodded and rocked on his heels, smiling brightly. Ashton let a smile grow on his face. He spun and grabbed ahold of Calum's waist. "Thank you, sweetie. I love you so much."

"Love 'ou too." Calum replied softly. "Now go inside and see."

"Okay." Ashton pecked his lips and then climbed inside. Calum followed him in and flopped down on the cushions beside him. Duke joined them, sniffing around suspiciously. Ashton lay down on his back and folded his arms behind his head. Calum settled on his side next to him, starting to trace patterns on his chest. "It's so pretty in here. What's the occasion?"

"Just wanted to do something nice for you. You deserve it."

"Oh." His voice cracked. "Okay."

Calum rolled over and straddled his waist. He tangled his fingers in Ashton's hair and the man's hands quickly found his thighs. He nudged their noses together and smiled softly, "I love you so much. You're perfect in every way imaginable."

Ashton shook his head. "I'm not perfect. No one's perfect. Except you."

"No, I'm not." Calum replied in a murmur. He dragged a thumb along Ashton's bottom lip. "You have such beautiful eyes. My god. You're stunning."

"Hush." Ashton's hand slid up Calum's thigh. "You don't have to compliment me so much."

"No, I don't have to. But you deserve to hear it. It's true, after all."

Ashton sighed and shook his head again. "No, but thank you anyways."

Calum pulled his lover's hands further up his thighs and bit his lip. Ashton's brows knitted in confusion. "What's going on, love?"

"Nothin'. Just...nothing."

"Okay." He reached for a mug of cider and took a sip. "This is good."

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