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long story short this will hurt you emotionally but look at that man up there being one of the only few attractive men in the world


"Damn," was all Calum could think to say at that moment. He brought Ashton's knuckles to his lips and kissed them carefully, one by one, while trying to steady his breathing. When he was finished, he kissed the man's fingertips, then the center of his palm and laced their fingers together. "I love you."

A smile grew on Ashton's face. "I love you too, angel. You did so good for me, you always do."

Calum giggled like a little school girl into Ashton's bare shoulder. "I missed hearing those words. Like, so much, Ashy."

"I know." He pecked Calum's temple carefully. "So...how long are we gonna stay here for?"

Calum ran a delicate fingertip down the defined muscles of Ashton's chest and stomach. "You mean, naked in the backseat of a car parked outside of an ice cream parlor, or...?"

Ashton chuckled, "No, I mean, here. Like this. Just us."

"Well, I'd love for it to be just us for a little while longer, but I'm opening the shop this morning."

"Okay. Do we have time for one more thing first?"

"Depends." Calum replied cheekily.

"On what?"

"Do we have to put on clothes?"

"Yes." He responded, trying to sit up. Calum nuzzled further into his chest and whined, "No clothes, stay here..."

"It's worth it, I promise." Ashton sat up, nudged their noses together then kissed each of Calum's eyelids. "C'mon baby boy, get dressed. We can get some food, maybe one of those breakfast sandwiches you like so much..."

"How dare you manipulate me with food." Calum mumbled defiantly, but he was smiling just as bright as the day they'd met. "It'll work every time, but still, how dare you?"

He looked at Ashton's face for the first time since the sun had begun to rise and he noticed something peculiar. He giggled and brought Ashton in for another short kiss. "You've still got a little bit of blood on your neck."

"Impossible. I thought for sure you'd licked it all off." The older man smirked and pulled his shirt over his head. Calum blushed a bright pink. He was quite shy when it came to the many things that turned him on, and having them brought up after sex was always something that embarrassed him. "We can find a bathroom or something, I'm sure."

"Okay." Calum pulled his boxers and jeans back on, then reluctantly pulled on his hoodie. Reluctantly because he liked admiring the work of art Ashton had made on his torso; both the light bruises in the shape of his fingertips and the mosaic of hickies leading from his neck to below his belt. "Ugh, these clothes feel weird."

"How do you mean, sweet pea?"

"Like, they're cold but warm at the same time." He rubbed his eyes. "I dunno, m'sleepy."

"I'm sorry I kept you up all night."

Calum pecked his cheek softly. "Worth it."

Ashton smiled, but his heart ached. What he was doing was wrong, so very wrong, and he knew that, but he finally had what he wanted. He just wanted Calum. Calum loved passionately, unconditionally and forever. He didn't care about the fact that Ashton had actually murdered people, or that he'd been a victim to many different types of abuse. Calum wanted to help him get better.

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