I'm Scared (i) [f]

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This one came to me in a dream. Literally.

Riley stood in the hallway outside Deborah's room shaking like a leaf in a strong wind. Her pale knuckle knocked timidly on the wooden door and retreated immediately.

Riley had been staying with her boyfriend's family for the last few weeks (she had been sharing a room with Piper). Today, the usually loud and chaotic house was eerily silent as only Riley, James and Deborah were home.

The door wing open and Deborah smiled at her (almost) daughter-in-law.

"Riley! What's the matter darling, are you ill?" She asked in reference to her pale skin and shaking.
Riley shook her head and stepped inside the bedroom. Deborah closed the door behind her and led the petrified girl to perch on the side of her bed.

"Riley, dear, won't you tell me what is wrong? Is it James? Did he do something to you?"
Riley trembled and a tear rolled down her cheek, she pulled something out of her pocket.

"Oh Deborah" she hiccuped, "I think I'm pregnant"

Deborah took a second to digest this information and then smiled sympathetically. She took the white test from Riley's hand and traced her fingers along the second faint line that had appeared.
"Oh darling" she hugged Riley tightly. "It will be ok I promise. Have you taken any more tests? Have you told James yet?"

Riley shook her head in answer to every question and wiped a tear from her left cheek.
"I'm so scared Deborah" she whispered, "I'm so young, we're so young. And I'll have to give up dance, and oh god- how will I tell everyone? I've let everyone down"

Her body physically shook as she cried harder and Deborah took her firmly by the shoulders.
"Now you listen to me Riley. You have not let everyone down, understand? I want you to calm down, there's a good girl"

Riley sniffed and Deborah passed her a tissue.
"Do you have any other tests or do you want me to run to the store?"
"Um I think this one came in a pack of two" Riley mumbled.

"Ok here's what we'll do" Deborah patted her knee comfortingly, "you will take the second test to confirm and then we can sit down and decide what you want to do. It is your body after all"
Riley nodded and went to get the spare test from where she had hidden it inside one of her socks.

Quickly she took the test and then headed back to see Deborah before the results had appeared yet. When she returned, her (almost) mother-in-law was standing by the window, looking out at her son who was kicking a ball around outside.

She turned around when she heard Riley return and had the test practically forced into her hands by the terrified girl.
"I can't look at it" Riley declared handing it over. She sat on the bed again and anxiously chewed a hangnail until it bled.

"Congratulations" Deborah smiled somewhat sadly, "it's positive"

Deborah took a seat besides Riley and squeezed her hand.
"Do you have any idea how far along you might be? When might this baby have been conceived?" She asked and Riley looked up.

"I- I don't know" Riley nervously chewed on her bottom lip.
Deborah sighed, knowing this answer meant that Riley could have gotten pregnant on any day over the last few weeks and it wasn't just a one time thing.

Riley buried her face in her hands and closed her eyes. Maybe if she pretended it wasn't happening it would all just go away.
"What am I going to do?" She whispered, more to herself than anyone else. "I don't know how to raise a baby"

Wrapping an arm around Riley's shoulders, Deborah reassured her "no one knows how to raise a baby until they do it. Someone could read every parenting book in the world and still be clueless. Now you may be younger then most parents, but you are by no means less capable"

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