Secrets [f]

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Deborah's POV

I'm walking up the stairs when suddenly I'm pushed aside by my son hurrying in the opposite direction to me.

"James!" I say, annoyed. Then I notice his attire, he in his coat. I glance at my watch, it's 9am. The James I know is never up this early. "Where are you going?"

"Out" he grumbles as he reaches the hall.

"Oh no you don't" I say, running down the stairs to block the front door. I fold my arms sternly, "Where are you going?"

"To meet Riley if you must know. Now can I get past please?" He huffs.

I wish I could see what Riley saw in him. I wish I could still see the sweet boy he used to be.

"Why are you wearing your coat? You'll be far to hot in it! Here, give it to me, I'll put it back in your room for you"

"Oh, sure" he says, stuffing his hands into his pockets. In lightning speed, he pulls the contents of his coat pocket and shoves it all into his hoodie. Then he carefully removes the coat, before chucking it at me. "Bye mum. Don't wait for me for dinner, I might be late" he says, before turning and closing the door behind him.

I run up the stairs and dump the coat on his messy bed. I'll hang it up later.

About an hour later, I finally drag myself up to James room again. I open a few windows and open the curtains to let out the musky smell of 'teenage boy', looking around at the pig sty he calls a bedroom.

Sighing, I shake out his coat so I can hang it out. Then something in the pocket catches my eye. A glimmer of red foil reflects the light from the newly opened window.

I stuff my hand into my pocket and pull the contents out.

I cringe. I turn the small foil square over in my hand in disbelief.

A condom.

James had a condom in his coat pocket before he was going to Riley's. He must have had plenty, otherwise I'm sure he would have taken his coat with him.

I need to sit down. I pray that this is a one time thing, but I have a feeling it isn't. Last time Riley stayed over, James was in a suspiciously happy mood all morning.


"Morning mum!" He smiled at me, bounding into the room, an unfamiliar spring in his step. He hands me a wad of cash, "I owe you. Remember I said I'd pay you back, well now I have!"

"Wha- what?" I splutter. Who is this boy and what has he done with my moody son?

"Well, I'm going out now, I've got dance. I'll drive myself don't worry! Have an amazing day, I'll see you later!" He gives me a kiss on the cheek and then walks out the door without another word.


*end of flashback*

Ugh. I shiver.

No, no, no, no, no. I shake my head. No. They're too young. They're not ready. They can't be ready.

Can they?

No. They're only 17 and 18. Too young.

Suddenly I realise, what if he has more? A whole stash hidden somewhere in this room? The very room he and Riley stay in when she stays over.

I head to the bedside table. I lift a few coasters and books, nothing. Thank god.

I try feeling under the mattress, nope, nothing there.

In despair, I sit on the side of his bed and throw his slipper across the room.

Almost like it was planned, I watch as the slipper flies across the room, scattering the foils everywhere.

I pick them all up, there must be at least thirty of them, all identically packaged.

Damn. How long has this been going on?

Hours go by. I make dinner for my husband and three daughters, Piper, Kara and Ellie.

I act normal, joining in in conversation, laughing and smiling when necessary.

Then I hear the door swing open and I see James make his way straight to the stairs.

"James!" I call out.

"I ate at Riley's" he hollers back, still heading up the stairs. I hear his bedroom door slam.

I excuse myself fork the dinner table and follow him.

I knock on the door and open it without waiting. James is lying on his bed, on his front, propped up on his elbows.

He's on the phone giggling. Yes that's right. Giggling. I suppose he's talking to Riley then despite literally just leaving hers.


His head snaps in my direction and he rolls his eyes.

"Look Ri, I gotta go. My mum's here... yep... ok... uh huh... ok bye I love you"

I hangs up and flings the phone across the bed.


"I think we need to have a little chat, don't you?" I say, folding my arms.

"Huh? About what?"

"About this James!" I snap, angrily pulling the pile of condoms from his slipper.

"What- oh that"

"Yes this James. And I suggest you wipe that smirk off your face or else I will drag Riley into this too"

"Hey. Don't go there. I'm not smirking"

I glare at him.

James' POV

"Mum they're just condoms" I sigh. I honestly don't know how I'm getting out of this one.

I feel my mum take my hand.

"James, why didn't you tell me? I thought we had an open relationship..." she asks, seeming hurt. Then again, it's probably just an act to make me do what she wants- whatever that may be...

"I don't know mum!" I sigh exasperated. "It just doesn't seem to be a topic to talk to your mum about"

"Ok. I just have a few questions"

Oh god help me.

"Yeah. What do you want to ask?"

"One, are you safe? Two, how long have you been, you know, intimate? Three, was Riley your first?"

I put my head into my hands.

"Yes mum, we're always safe. Hence all this" I gesture around the room at the scattered condoms. "And we first had sex" she shudders at the word, "on our 4th anniversary. And Jesus mum! Of course she bloody was! Who else would I have slept with? I've never loved anyone the way I do Riley"

"Your 4th anniversary! James that was over a year ago!"

I shrug at her. Giving her the 'don't even worry about it' expression. Surprising she lays off.

"Do you realise that this is the first conversation we've had in months? Normally all I get is a 'huh', 'whatever', 'yeah' or 'don't even worry about it'! I'm not asking for the details, but maybe the odd statement or 'just to let you know mum' wouldn't have been to hard"

Suddenly I actually feel really bad. The truth is, I've been particularly distant with my mum recently because I've felt bad about lying to her.

Like she said, we've always had an open relationship so keeping a such a big secret from her has been difficult.

So to avoid looking her directly in the eyes, I've avoided her altogether, almost avoiding the guilt.

But I know that I'm wrong now. That it's ok to share stuff with my mum because she will always love me no matter what.

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