Sluts and Misunderstandings [s]

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PART 100?!?! HOW?

Season 4 ~ straight after James got back from London and they got back together

James turned the key in the front door and prised it open. "Hello?" he called into the home, waiting a second for someone to reply before turning to his girlfriend who was behind him. "We're alone" he determined. They stepped inside and James shut the door behind them.
"Want a drink?" he asked her, moving to get a glass from the cupboard for himself. She nodded her head and he got her a glass too, knowing exactly what she'd want inside it. "Let me guess, sparkling water?"

Riley grinned, "yes please. You know me so well"
Her boyfriend laughed and handed her the glass, "well I have been in love with you for over four years babe, you'd like to think I know what your go-to drink is"
"True" she smiled, "let's go upstairs?"

He nodded and headed in the direction of the stairs. On his way passed, he kissed her pink cheek quickly. Giggling, she hurried after him and admired the familiar, decorated walls.

"This photo is still hanging?" She frowned, stopping half way up the staircase to point out a particular photo frame. It held a photograph of them kissing on stage with James holding the Internationals trophy in the air in celebration. Deborah had screenshotted the TV coverage and had it framed within a week of it airing. The photo had, had pride of place on the wall ever since.

"Have you told your family we're back together?" Riley asked quietly, afraid of the answer

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"Have you told your family we're back together?" Riley asked quietly, afraid of the answer.
Her boyfriend sighed, "I haven't yet but I will today. They'll be so happy, I promise. Don't worry about it"

Uncertain, she nodded and continued walking up the stairs. She wasn't convinced that the reaction of his family would be entirely positive, although the photo had increased her hopes ever so slightly. Surely they would've taken it down if she disgusted them. Unless they'd simply kept it up to commemorate James' part in the Internationals win? Then it wouldn't have anything to do with her and it would mean nothing.

"Stop overthinking" her boyfriend chuckled, flopping onto his bed after placing his glass down on the table beside it. "I know that face Riley. Everything will be fine, I promise. Everyone loves you"
"Even after everything I did?" she whispered sadly.
James swallowed and pulled her down to sit next to him. "Even after everything you did" he confirmed. "Besides, I love you and what they think won't change that anyway"

"I love you too, so much"
He smiled, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear. "I know"

Taking the glass from her hands and sitting it beside his, he kissed her lovingly. Their lips immediately melted into a familiar rhythm and things escalated rapidly. Riley squealed into his mouth as she was suddenly pinned beneath him. Her hands slid up his abs, feeling him up while simultaneously pulling the fabric of his shirt up his body. They broke apart breathlessly and James ripped it off his body before reattaching their lips.

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