Killing You [a]

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"Well in case you haven't noticed, life's not fair James!" Riley screamed with tears running down her cheeks. She turned on her heels and ran out of their apartment door, slamming it behind her.

James stood in a stunned silence, burying his head in his hands. Despairingly, he picked up his keys and ran after her.

"Riley!" He yelled, begging her to stop. She didn't. He called again, his voice growing increasingly desperate. "Riley please. Don't leave it like this. I can change, we can work through it"

Riley stopped in her tracks and looked at him, "James I don't want you to change. That's not the problem here. The problem is that we haven't spent any time with each other in what seems like forever. When was the last time we had a conversation?"

James opened his mouth to reply but Riley spoke again, "I mean a proper conversation James. Not just, 'morning' or 'hi' because you feel obligated to say something to the girl living in your apartment"

"Our apartment" James corrected, stepping forwards and taking her hands.
Riley shook her head slowly, removing her hands from his to wipe away her tears. "I can't- I'm sorry"

In that moment James could do nothing but watch as the love of his life walked away from him. He felt the colour drain from the world as she took each step.

If his life was a movie, it'd be pouring rain right now to emphasise his world crumbling around him. But alas, his life was not a movie and it wasn't going to have a happy ending.

He let out a loud sob and started walking back to the apartment. The next few days were particularly rough. He didn't answer his phone or communicate with anyone. He hadn't left home and he had no motivation to do anything.

Across town, Riley was having a similar situation from Emily's apartment where she was staying. Every morning, her sister would coax her to eat something for breakfast but nothing could persuade her to leave her room.

Emily arrived at work the next day. Looking up for the desk in their shared office, Michelle sighed.
"Is she still not eating?"
Emily shook her head, massaging her forehead as she could already feel a headache brewing.
"Nope and she's not even speaking now. I don't know what to do Michelle, I can't seem to do anything to help"

"She's going to make herself ill" Emily continued, furrowing her brow. "I'm really worried about how this ends"
Michelle lay a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder, "I've tried calling her but it went straight to voicemail"

Emily nodded, "she turned her phone off and stuffed it in a draw. She hasn't gone to class all week either, it's like she doesn't care about life anymore"

Meanwhile, in Studio A Piper was stretching anxiously. Her mother had told her to speak to Emily and find out how Riley was doing, since none of them had heard from the couple since their argument.

She watched through the office window as the joint studio heads had what looked like an emotional conversation. She wondered if they were talking about Riley.

Michelle came out of the office and started to run a warm up exercise.
"Piper can I have a word in my office?" Emily asked. Piper nodded and ignored the looks from her teammates that questioned why she was being called.

In silence the two girls entered the office and sat down opposite each other.

"So..." Emily looked at the ground, "I was wondering how your brother is?"
Piper shrugged, "I wouldn't know. He hasn't spoken to us since- you know"
"Yeah" Emily sighed, "if Riley wasn't living with me I'd never hear from her either. She doesn't talk, eat, sleep"

Piper's eyes widened in the knowledge of how poorly Riley was coping. Once again they found themselves in an uncomfortable silence until Piper spoke up.

"We need to do something"


Emily returned home hours later and immediately walked into her guest bedroom. As expected, all the curtains were closed and the air was stuffy as if no windows or doors had been opened all day.

Squinting, Emily could make out the figure that was her sister curled up in the middle of the double bed. Riley watched through bloodshot eyes as Emily opened the curtains and a window to let in fresh air.

"What have you done today Ri?" Emily asked, trying to sound positive.
Riley shook her head and turned away, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

"Have you eaten anything?" Emily continued to worry about her sister. She started stroking Riley's sweaty hair, combing it through her fingers in a way that reminded them both of being children.

"Come on, let's get you up and dressed" Emily tried to pull Riley out of bed, to no avail. "Ri at least have a bath, let me run you a bath"

Riley shook her head and rolled over.

"What do you want Riley?" Emily begged, "please, it hurts me to see you like this and I know Pipe-"
Riley's head snapped towards Emily, finally showing that she had her full attention.
"You spoke to Piper?" she croaked, her voice raw from having not spoken in days.

Emily nodded, sitting besides her on the bed. "She says James is in a bad way himself. Hasn't left his-your apartment since your fight"
Riley sat up slowly, new tears sliding down her already tear stained face.

"Just talk to him Ri" Emily pleaded, "it's killing you both"

Riley nodded hesitantly and swung her legs out from under the covers. She pulled on a hoodie and sweatpants.
Emily stood up, "hey aren't you at least going to shower first?"

Riley looked in the mirror and saw what her sister was concerned about. Four day old makeup left traces around her eyes and her greasy hair was tied up in a messy bun. That's not to mention her smell.

Riley shrugged and grabbed her keys.

After a short drive she was stood in the exact spot where she had sobbed days before. Shivering, she walked on, closer and closer to the apartment door.
Raising a shaking fist, Riley was about to knock when the door swung open.

James looked at her with bloodshot eyes. He, like her, had clearly not showered since she left. In fact, Riley was sure he was wearing the exact same outfit he had been wearing that day. At least it smelt like it.

"Hey" she whispered in a hoarse voice that was barely audible. "Can we talk?"
James nodded, backing away from the doorway so that she could step inside.
"I was just coming to find you" he confessed, explaining why he had opened the door.

"I guess we both had the same idea at the same time" Riley mumbled, with a tiny smile on her lips.
James reciprocated the smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry how I left things" Riley apologised genuinely, "I was just upset and it wasn't you it was me overreacting and-"
"No Riles it was my fault. You're right, I never make time for you anymore. But please, if you let me I can try"

Riley let out a sob and wrapped her arms firmly around his torso. She felt his arms creep around her figure and hold her tight.
"I'm sorry" she repeated, "I love you so much"
James squeezed her closer and rested his head on hers, "I love you too Riley"

"I'm never leaving you again" Riley said sincerely, resting her head by his shoulder, "it nearly killed me"
"I know" James said, "me too"

He tilted her chin and pressed his lips tenderly against hers. A feeling of ultimate relief and belonging overcame them both. They knew this was it, forever. 'Til death do they part.

I don't normally write angst style oneshots so let me know if you like this one

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