Protect You [a]

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⚠️warning sensitive topic⚠️

James looked around at the crowd of people in his house. Some people he knew, they were his friends, but other people were apparently friends of friends because he'd never seen them before in his life.

"Yo Theo, do you know who those guys are?" He asked, pointing at a group of jocks who were playing beer pong on his mother's coffee table.
His bandmate shook his head, "dunno, maybe Luke invited them from school"

James sighed, deciding it was no use kicking them out as they were already here. Standing at the back of the room, he patiently watched the stream of people walking through his front door. Girls arrived in packs, wearing short, skimpy dresses that hugged every curve, adorned sequins and showed off lots of cleavage. Dresses their parents would surely not approve of.

Despite the gaggle of sexy girls arriving in his home, James only had eyes for one girl. A girl who had not yet arrived at the party. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, a group of familiar girls entered. Michelle and Riley separated from the A Troupe girls and headed towards the band.

"Hey babe" Riley greeted, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend. James kissed her lightly on the lips, leaving one arm casually around her shoulder as she moved to stand by his side.

"Sorry we're late" Riley whispered into his ear, "someone over here couldn't find the right shoes to match her dress"
James chuckled, looking over at Michelle who was shamelessly flirting with his bandmate John.

"Can I get you a drink?" He asked Riley, looking down at her.
"Yes please" she smiled, "surprise me, you know what I like"

James slipped away, through the crowd, returning moments later with two drinks in his hand. He handed her a vodka and lemonade concoction, keeping a bottle of beer for himself. Riley accepted the drink gratefully, sipping it casually when she wasn't participating in the group conversation.

After a short while, the group dispersed to mingle with other people. Riley and Michelle returned to find their friends, walking in on some apparent drinking contest between Giselle and West.

Giselle slammed down her cup, fist pumping the air as she yelled "I won!"
West looked defeated, swilling the remains of liquid at the bottom of his cup and downing it in one.

"I'll take you on" Riley challenged smugly, she looked at Giselle who raised her eyebrows.
"Oh you think you can beat me? The reigning champion?" she laughed, getting two drinks ready.

Riley scoffed, "you've had that title for less than a minute, don't let it get to your head"
She took the drink that was being offered to her and didn't dare ask what was in it. The cup clearly contained a mix of many alcohols and Riley didn't care to know which.

"Game is simple" Giselle explained, "first one to empty their cup wins"
Riley nodded, showing her understanding of the entirely simple game. Both girls raised their cups to their lips, waiting for West to count them in before they were chugging.

The liquid in Riley's cup seemed to disappear down her throat in seconds and soon she was slamming her hand down.
"Riley wins!" West cheered, clearly happy someone had trumped Giselle.

"Riley wins what?" A voice said. Simultaneously, a pair of muscular arms crept around her waist and held her tight.
Riley looked up at her boyfriend proudly, "I beat Giselle in a drinking game"
James chuckled, "I taught you well"

He leant down to kiss her, tasting the strange mix of alcohol on her lips. He felt her smile into the kiss, her pulling away before he could deepen it.
"Later" she promised, placing her hand flat against his abs over his shirt.

The party carried on until the early hours of the morning, blaring music echoing in every room of the house. Riley decided she needed the toilet and didn't care to wait in the queue for the downstairs bathroom. She slipped away from James and crept upstairs, breaking a rule of the party but knowing she would be an exception and that James wouldn't mind.

She hurried across the hallway until she reached James' bedroom and pushed open the door so she could use his en-suite bathroom. As she finished up and returned to his bedroom, she couldn't help but smirk when she saw her overnight bag laying on his bed.

The door behind her opened and Riley didn't need to turn around to know it was James. No one else was allowed upstairs.

"Hey sexy" an unfamiliar voice drooled. Riley spun around in surprise to see it wasn't James.
She backed up, trying to reduce the space between them as the stranger walked towards her.

He was tall, blonde haired and fairly attractive but not at all Riley's type. She preferred her dark haired, dream boy who was partying downstairs without a clue where she was.

"What's your name?" The person asked, smiling in evil satisfaction as Riley's legs hit the bed and she couldn't back up any further.
Riley shook her head, refusing to answer as she tried to push him away.

"That's ok" the voice hissed, "I would have forgotten your name by morning anyway, I always do"

Suddenly, great force threw Riley backwards causing her to topple onto James' bed. The very same mattress on which she had made love to him countless times. Except this time it was someone she'd never met that was climbing on top of her.

"Stop it" she begged as she felt him tug her dress up her thigh. "Please don't"
Fear evident in her eyes, Riley didn't have the strength to escape. Her intoxicated body seemed heavy and uncooperative.

"I- I have a boyfriend" she stammered, as if she thought it might stop the horny jock. The stranger was now kissing her neck roughly, painfully holding her arms above her head so she couldn't move.

Riley screamed, thrashing her legs around in attempts to hurt the guy and make him leave her alone. She saw him wince when she kneed him, but he did not relent.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" A loud yell came from the doorway. James burst into his bedroom and punched the jock hard in the jaw. After giving him a second punch for good measure, James returned his attention to Riley.

She quivered on his bed, shaken and too drunk to think rationally. Watching with wide eyes as James booted the guy out of his bedroom, Riley held her arm out. James correctly interpreted this as a sign to approach her, sitting beside her on his bed and wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner" he said darkly, "I'm sorry that-"
"James" Riley interrupted him. "It wasn't your fault"
He looked at her with regret, kissing her temple firmly.

"I'm going to shut down the party and send everyone home, wait here" he said, standing up and leaving Riley sitting on his bed.
She nodded and watched as James slipped out of the door, listening as his footsteps retreated downstairs.

In his absence, she curled up on his bed, slipping under the covers. She hugged her legs to her chest, feeling slight comfort in the position. A couple minutes later a familiar pair of arms cradled her and a body spooned her from behind.

Riley felt James' breath tickle the back of her neck, occasionally feeling him press a kiss to her skin as they lay in silence.
"Thank you for protecting me" she whispered, nestling into his chest that was still pressed against her back.
James responded by kissing her neck softly, "I'll always be here to protect you baby"

Rolling over in James' embrace, Riley kissed his chin lightly before kissing his lips. He kissed her back tenderly, cupping her cheek with his palm. Their lips moved in sync, sensually and lovingly.

When they parted, James touched their noses, looking into her hazel brown eyes. The warmth in her pupils made his heart leap.

"I love you" he told her, causing her to smile.
"I love you more" Riley blushed, reaching a hand to play with James' hair.
He shook his head with a smirk, "not possible"
Laughing tiredly, Riley buried her head in the crook of his neck. She sleepily closed her eyes before mumbling, "then I guess we'll agree to disagree"

Apparently I'm incapable of giving my oneshots good endings

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