Animal Games [s]

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Riley rubbed her eyes as she looked around James' bedroom, rolling over to face her sleeping boyfriend. She raised her hand to cup his cheek, bringing her lips to his. He stirred as she kissed him, eventually waking up enough to kiss her back.

"Mmm morning" he croaked, "that has to be the best way to wake up"
Leaning over to kiss him again, Riley leant her weight on his naked body. He caressed his hands down her smooth, bare sides, resting them on her hips as they continued to kiss.

Abruptly, (and much to James' disappointed), Riley pulled away with a giggle. He pouted, letting out a quiet whine of upset that she had pulled away.
"I'm hungry" she said, matter-of-factly. "Can we go downstairs and get breakfast?"

James sighed tiredly, flopping his head back onto his pillow. "Can't we just stay here and cuddle for a bit?"
Riley shook her head, "I can practically hear my stomach growling already"

"Your stomach should already be full considering the amount of times you swallowed last night" James remarked, closing his eyes again.

With a gasp, Riley swatted him on the chest. He reacted to the contact, peering at her through squinted eyes. Then she swung her legs off his bed and started getting dressed. James was more than happy to keep his eyes open for this process.

"You coming?" She asked as she pulled her hair into a messy ponytail.
"I think I'll shower first" he told her, finally heaving his body out from under his warm blanket. He pretended not to notice Riley's eye line, smirking as he walked to his en-suite.

Riley hurried down the stairs, waltzing into the kitchen with a spring in her step. After all, there weren't many mornings that she could wake up in bed besides her incredibly handsome boyfriend.

"Morning Riley dear" Deborah greeted, looking up from where she was stationed at the coffee machine. "Would you like a coffee?"
"Oh yes please if you're offering" Riley smiled gratefully, "and I'm sure James would love one when he comes down"

Deborah nodded understandingly, pressing a few buttons on the machine and hearing it start to hum. "How did you sleep?"
"Good thank you. Except when James started to snore at about 3am, waking me up" she giggled, adding "I had to whack him with a pillow to make him shut up"

Her boyfriend's mother chuckled, handing her a cup of coffee as the two of them sat at the kitchen island.
"His dad's the same" Deborah mused, "at one point, a few years ago, I even invested in some ear plugs!"
"I think I might need to do the same" Riley giggled.

"I'm starving!" A little voice yelled, followed by the sound of tiny footsteps. James' youngest sister Isla appeared in the doorway, dressed in a hot pink dressing gown that would make Michelle jealous.

Deborah laughed, "well we can't have that, what do you want for breakfast?"
"Um, cereal please" Isla asked, climbing onto the kitchen stool besides Riley. Her mother nodded and began to prepare a bowl of cereal.

"Riley why were you and James playing animal games last night?" Isla questioned cheerfully.

Riley frowned, taking a sip of her steaming coffee, "what do you mean sweetie?"
"You were making loud banging noises" Isla stated innocently, "and making animal sounds"

Riley choked on her coffee, her eyes wide. Deborah paused, half way through pouring a glass of orange juice and looked at the embarrassed blonde girl.

"Oh, I- we were just messing around" Riley stuttered, feeling hot as her cheeks turned crimson.
Isla smiled, "can I play with you next time?"
"Um, yeah sure sweetie" she stammered quickly, watching the steam rising from the brown liquid in her mug.

Just then, James skidded into the room, fresh from his shower.
"Morning family" he chimed, strutting over to give Riley a kiss on the cheek and completely missing the atmosphere of the room.
"James" Deborah said sternly, "Riley, I need to talk to you both. Now"

Riley gulped, standing up and following her out of the room with James on her tail. She felt like a young child who was in trouble, Deborah had this talent of making anyone feel inferior if she wanted to.

"Look kids, I know I'm more relaxed than most parents but I simply can't have you having sex when the girls are in the house" Deborah fumed, crossing her arms. The young adults shifted uncomfortably on the spot.

"I'm sorry Deborah, it won't happen again" Riley apologised, feeling truly ashamed that she let herself get carried away the night prior. She looked at her boyfriend, waiting for him to echo her apology. When he didn't open his mouth to speak, she 'subtly' smacked his arm.

"Ow! Yes alright, I'm sorry, it won't happen again" he said, rubbing his arm.
Deborah pursed her lips, "good, make sure it doesn't" then she let out a deep breath and smiled, "conversation over"

With that, she re-entered the kitchen, leaving the couple alone.
James immediately began smirking, looking down at his petite girlfriend and knowing she felt awkward about the whole situation.

"Relax babe" he told her, taking both of her hands in his, "she'll forget about it in like a week and we can get back to-"
"James" Riley interrupted him, "you're totally missing the point. Your mum is right, we can't do it when everyone's in the house, it's not fair to them"

"It's not my fault you're so loud" he grinned, his face hardening when he saw the glare she gave him. "Alright, yes fine, you're right. Sorry"
"Good" Riley smiled, "now give me a kiss"

James bowed his head downwards to connect their lips. His hands wrapped around her body, resting together at the small of her back. Riley crept her hands up his chest, kissing him as her flat palms massaged his abs.


The couple pulled apart to see an unimpressed Deborah in the doorway.
"Don't make me extend the rule to kissing as well, because I will. Don't push it" she said, pointing a finger at them before walking away.

James groaned, yelling after his mother. "It was just a kiss! What can we do?"
"Hold hands!" Deborah called back, not turning around as she vanished into the kitchen.

"Come on then" Riley sighed, holding out her hand which James took. "I still haven't had breakfast and I'm hungry"
James chuckled, being led back into the kitchen by his girlfriend.

Sorry for the crap ending :/

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