In Sickness and Health [f]

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Requested by ambsxwriting
Season 3

"Okay dancers!" Miss Kate's voice called over the hum of conversation, silencing the room. "Are we ready- where's Riley?"

All eyes turned towards James. The dark haired dancer shrugged, his girlfriend hadn't told him she'd be late- he had no idea where she was. He was about to say as much, when they heard a shuffle of footsteps across the room.
"Sorry I'm late" Riley apologised quietly and began putting away her dance bag.

James immediately bounded over to his girl, ready to sweep her into his arms and spin her around. He paused however, frowning when he saw her expression.
"You alright babe?" He questioned, watching as she slipped her shoes off and put them in her cubby.

When she was finished Riley turned to face him with a grim expression, "I've had better days" she answered honestly, "I feel a bit sick"
"Aw babe" James pouted, taking her hands in his, "are you sure you should be here? Why don't you go and rest-"

"James I'm in every dance!" She cut him off, "I'm female solo, have the duet, both small groups and the two group routines. Internationals is right around the corner. I can't afford to miss rehearsals and more importantly, you guys can't rehearse without me"

Her boyfriend opened his mouth to protest but closed it again, knowing Riley too well. She was stubborn. There was no way she was skipping this rehearsal- he'd have to physically carry her out (something he briefly considered). Upon closer inspection he could tell she was not her usual self. Her skin carried a greyish, green glow and her eyes appeared sunken and tired.

Nevertheless, he 'permitted' her to stay and dance. It's not like he could control what she chose to do anyway, she was the only one who knew how sick she felt and he had to respect her decision.
"Okay babe" he agreed, kissing her tenderly on the cheek. Then he offered his hand out which she took gratefully as they walked over to join the rest of their team.

"Sheesh Riley you look-"
James cut Eldon off with a sharp glare and the blonde boy shrank back behind Stephanie who happened to be stood between them.

The morning went by quickly, with Riley still feeling awful but soldiering through the group rehearsals. After lunch, (she could only stomach half a banana that James made her try), she and James were given time to rehearse their duet.

"You need to hold me a bit lower" she told him, gripping her hands over his and sliding them an inch lower on her hips. "Can we try that again?"
Her boyfriend nodded and counted them into the lift, "5, 6, 7, 8"

They managed to execute the lift to a satisfactory extent but the joy was short lived and Riley yelped, "nope, no put me down I'm gonna hurl"
James hastily lowered her feet to the ground and followed behind her as she bolted towards the toilets.

Restricted by the female sign on the purple painted door, he loitered in the hall unable to do anything but listen to her wretch. When she finally reappeared with smudged mascara and a pink nose he decided enough was enough, "right that's it, I'm driving you home. No arguments"

For once his stubborn girlfriend didn't protest. She nodded her head in defeat, allowing him to lead her back to the cubbys with a hand on her back. He sat her down on the bench while he knocked on Miss Kate's office door.

"Hi Miss Kate" he started, "I think I'm going to take Riley home. She's sick"
The maternal figure stood up in concern and agreed, "of course, will you be returning after?"
James looked over his shoulder at his patient and hesitated, "I have no idea. I'll text Eldon when I decide"
"Alright" Kate smiled, "take her home. I hope she feels better"

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