Mentors [s]

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Riley's POV

I'm stood in Studio A, holding hands with James. I got a message from Kate to meet here.

Looking around, I notice that not everyone is here.

Me, Emily, Eldon, Giselle, and  James. I wonder why nobody else is here?

Miss Kate walks in, followed by five J Troupers: Richelle, Noah, Beca, Camille and Zach.

"Ok, so you're probably wondering why I've called you in" she smiles and we all nod. "Ok, well J Troupers have a competition coming up. Nothing particularly serious, but it will put these guys in the map and give them some experience. Unfortunately, with nationals approaching I won't have the time to choreograph or supervise rehearsals or dances so that's why you're here. Richelle and Noah are a duet, and Camille, Beca and Zach are all soloists"

I glance at James and he looks at me.

Miss Kate continues, "Riley and James, I've chosen you two to mentor Richelle and Noah, and choreograph their duet. I need you to teach them the importance of chemistry and connection. Emily, you'll be mentoring Camille, she's going to be doing a jazz, contemporary style solo. Zach, Eldon will mentor you with a hip hop routine, and Giselle you and Beca will create an acro routine. Does that sound good to everyone?"

We all nod.

"Alright then!" Miss Kate concludes, "I have to run and sort through some paperwork, I'll have to love you and leave you!"

Minutes later, James and I are stretching in Studio B with Richelle and Noah.

"Ok guys, before we start choreographing, I think we'd quite like a run down of all the lifts and tricks you can do, just so we're clear on what to put in" James says.

Noah's POV

Honestly I'm so excited to work with 'Jiley'! They've got the nationals duet so they must be pretty good.

They have amazing chemistry even when they're not dancing, it's kind of magic. I just hope Richelle and I can connect in the same way...

Richelle and I have been best friends for years now, I joined baby ballet when I was 3 and Richelle joined when she was 5 and moved to town. She'd already had dance training before TNS, so we've always been at the same kind of level. It's really nice having a friend who you can have friendly competition with, it pushes you to work harder.

Thinking back to all those days, everything was so simple. Never in a million dreams did I ever think I'd be a featured duet at a competition. And I'm glad that it's with Richelle.

Together, we work for hours, throwing in unique lifts I've never seen before.

I'm honestly surprised that Richelle trusts me so much, it's like I'm not throwing her three metres into the air! She's incredible and so professional, something I admire about her.

We take a five minute breather and Richelle says she's going to go get a juice. She offers me one and of course I nod.

It isn't until she's gone that I realise I never told her what flavour. Oops.

A hard clap on the back knocks me back into reality.

"Yo man just ask her out already!" James laughs.

Riley giggles behind him. I stutter, "wha- I, don't like her like that"

"Of course you do Noah, you just haven't realised it yet" Riley smiles.

My cheeks flush, I don't like Richelle... do I?

"Look. I'll make this simple. Whenever I see Riley, I feel light as a feather, warm and bubbles inside. I have so I much energy I could flip all the way to England and back. When she smiles, I can't help but smile too. When she laughs, I forget any worries and suddenly everything is alright in the world. When we're apart, I feel like I'm missing a part of me, I'm empty, not complete. She is quite literally my life and whipped as I may be, I couldn't live without her" James says, deadly serious.

I glance at Riley and see her blushing and James has her wrapped in a side hug tightly. Woah, never thought I'd hear the 'player' say that! "So Noah" he continues, "if Richelle makes you feel even a smidge of that, then you like her"

I think for a second, and he smirks. I know he's right.

"So...?" Riley grins. At this point she's stood in front of James, his arms wrapped around her from behind. They both look at me, waiting for a response.

"Well. Though not to the extent of you, I guess she does make me happy..."

"Then what are you waiting for man? Just tell her! What have you got to lose?" James urges.

"Uh, 15 years of friendship to lose. And to me, that's a pretty big deal. So no man, I'm not ready to tell her yet. I've barely had time to process this myself, let alone tell her"

"Tell who what?"

"Richelle!" I stammer surprised at how quick she was.

"Yeah..." Richelle laughs awkwardly, tossing me a cranberry juice- my favourite.

"Nothing" I mumble, "come on we should get back to rehearsing"

"Sure, where are we going from? I think we could add an acro section instead of that bit after the first lift. A bit of tumbling maybe?" She smiles, flipping a lock of her golden hair behind her ear.

Focus Noah.

"Uh yeah... yeah that sounds cool" I splutter.


I notice Riley and James taking a step back. They sit on the bench at the back, letting us work through the dance.

Riley's POV

I sit on James' lap, side on, as he wraps his arms around me pulling me closer to him. I lean my head in his shoulder. My nose pressed right up against the side of his neck.

"It's cute how you're giving Noah relationship advice" I whisper into his ear, purposely allowing my lips to tickle his ear. I smirk when I see him shudder.

"Oh really?" He cocks his head to look at me grinning seductively.

"Mm. And sexy"

"Is that so?"

"And that little speech might have earned you a few boyfriend points too" I bite my lip.

"I'm sure there's a way I can make it worth it" he mutters so quietly it's barely audible.

He leans and kisses me once delicately. However as he goes to pull away, I grab his neck and pull him back for more. I'm not done with him yet.

Richelle's POV

The music ends and Noah and I break positions, panting after a full-out run, when are startled by a moan. Turning around, I see Jiley making out heavily at the back, Riley's straddling James' lap and I'm pretty sure he's groping at her chest.

Ew. Typical Jiley.

One glance at Noah, and we both head off to Culture Shock.

I'm sure of where that will lead and I do not want to be here to see it.

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