Overbearing [a]

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Season 8- Emily is Studio Head

Emily looked up from her paperwork at the sound of movement to see her sister stood in the doorway to her office. "Riley, I didn't expect to see you". She looked sympathetically at her sister's grimace and added, "still no signs of labour, hey?"

Riley shook her head frustratedly and lowered her swollen body into an empty chair, "nope. And we've tried practically everything. I guess this baby just likes it in there too much"
"You've made it too comfortable Ri" Emily giggled, "it doesn't want to leave"

The brunette girl rolled her eyes and rested her hands against her balloon of a belly, "I wish it would hurry up and come though, I've never been more uncomfortable. James won't let me do anything now because he doesn't want me to push myself too far apparently"
"Speaking of..." Emily started as she turned back to her paperwork, "he gave me strict instructions to send you home should you arrive here"

Riley accompanied a groan with the rolling of her eyes, "he's so overbearing at the moment. I love him of course, but he gives me no space. He even followed me to the bathroom last night incase I spontaneously went into labour whilst having a shit"
Emily pulled a face, "ew, yeah I can see why that's a bit much"

"A bit much? It's a lot much! I'm losing my mind here Em, I haven't left the house in days. He doesn't even know I'm here now, I escaped while he went for a shower"
"What? Ri he's going to freak when he notices! Hasn't he called you?" Emily questioned.

Just then, Riley felt a foot forcefully prod against her bladder and doubled over, "ugh, it keep kicking and now I need a pee" she complained, "can you help me up please?"
Her sister obliged, offering her hand and pulling her to her feet. The younger woman groaned as the weight of her belly immediately pulled her downwards and she scooped a hand underneath to support it.

"The sooner I go into labour the better" she repeated her previous sentiment. "I'm so done being pregnant. Why do some women have more than one child if they know how awful pregnancy is?"
Emily frowned as she watched her sister waddle out of the room, "I thought you loved being pregnant?"
Riley shot her a harsh glare, "that was before I went over a week overdue"

On the way to the toilet, they bumped into Piper who beamed, "hey Riley? How are you feeling? Still pregnant I see. Where is James? What are you going here?"
"Oh, hi Pipes" she tried to smile. Internally she was growing more and more desperate for the toilet and wanted to leave the conversation before it began. "I'm okay. Uncomfortable and ready to have this baby. And James, er he's at home, I just came to see Emily before the baby comes"

She nodded in the direction of her sister who was standing behind her and Piper nodded, "do you need help?"
"I'm just going to the toilet before this baby makes me wet myself" she answered, "it's resting on my bladder.

The three girls slowly made their way towards the toilet at Riley's pace and the two other girls patiently waited outside for her to go.

"You said you'd tried everything to get labour started, hey?" Emily asked sympathetically when she returned to the hallway.
"Well everything but sex" Riley huffed, flapping her hands about to air dry them. "James doesn't want to do it incase it hurts me. I reminded him that he was the one who got me in this position and that it was the least he could do but nope"

Piper blushed uncomfortably at the mention of her brother's sex life, but on the contrary Emily wasn't fazed. In fact, the blonde girl looked less disturbed and more outraged that James hadn't gone through with it.

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