Moving Out [m]

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"Em you're going to have to let me pack eventually" Riley laughed as her sister emptied out a cardboard box as quick as she was trying to fill it. "I'm only going half an hour away, I'll see you all the time"
The blonde girl shook her head childishly, "nope, I'm not letting you go. You're my baby sister I need you at home, with me"

A brief moment of silence followed, during which Riley wrestled a pair of her jeans out of Emily's grip and repacked them in the box.
"This isn't how it's supposed to be" Emily complained, flopping back onto her sister's bedsheets. "I'm the older one, I'm supposed to move out first and do all that stuff first"

"You'll survive without me" the brunette assured her, "as I distinctly recall yesterday you couldn't wait for me to move out, and I quote, stop stealing your hanger in the bathroom"
"Yeah, yeah" Emily rolled her eyes, "whatever. You're still leaving me, for James of all people"

Riley laughed as her sister wrinkled her nose in disgust, almost as if she was unaware of their relationship until that moment. "I'm not leaving you for James" she promised, "I'm moving out with him, yes. But I'm not leaving you by default"
"You say that" Emily argued, staring up at the white ceiling that had the remains of reflective star stickers on it. "But one day you'll forget to call me and the next you'll lose all contact"

Riley snorted and lobbed a pair of her socks at her sister's head, "stop being dramatic. You know I could never do that. Besides I'll be seeing you all the time because of birthdays and Piper's dance and stuff. You can't get rid of me that easily"

The doorbell rang before Emily could reply and voices were heard downstairs. Approaching footsteps alerted to James' sudden presence in the room. He leant against the wooden door frame and grinned as his girlfriend immediately ran into his arms.

"Hey babe" he smiled, kissing her cheek. "Busy packing I see"
Riley nodded, stepping out of his embrace, "yeah I'm nearly done, no thanks to Em. Apparently you're stealing me away from her"
"I didn't say stealing" Emily corrected in a huff.
"On the contrary" James added, stepping forwards and seductively curling his arms around Riley's waist, "I see it as me finally having my turn. She's had you for over 20 years, now it's my turn to have you all to myself"

"Mmm is that so?" She hummed, raising an eyebrow as she leant up to connect their lips in a sweet kiss. She was about to deepen it when she felt a thump on her leg and pulled away to see her sister's foot where it was throbbing.

"On second thought" Emily grimaced, "the quicker you go, the quicker I'll be free from seeing this disgusting behaviour"


"Have you got everything?" Riley's mother checked for what could have been the hundredth time. Her daughter nodded and looked at the car that was crammed full with boxes. "Right, well I'm going to miss you so much" she smiled, wiping a tear from her eye. "I can't believe my baby is moving out, I feel so old. You must come and visit every week and call me all the time"

"Sure" Riley rolled her eyes with a sad but excited grin on her face. "I'll miss you too". They embraced and Riley was kissed at least twenty times on the forehead before she was finally allowed to leave her mother's arms. Then she moved over to her father and sniffed. "Bye dad"
He wrapped her in his strong arms and squeezed her tightly, "look after yourself" he told her, "stay safe and make smart choices. I love you"

Then it was Emily's chance to say goodbye. For a moment the sisters stood there, rooted to the spot as they looked at each other. The blonde scuffed her foot on the floor and dropped her gaze to watch the gravel crunching beneath it. It was then that she felt arms circle around her neck and a tear land on her shoulder.

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