Best Behaviour [s]

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Piper knocked on her brother's bedroom door loudly. She knew she ought to be loud because she had seen Riley arrive at the house an hour before.

She heard lots of shuffling and movement behind the door. James opened the door a crack, so Piper couldn't see inside the room behind him. He was definitely unaware of a shining new hickey on his neck, else he might have tried to hide it from his sister.

"What's up Pipes?" He asked, trying to sound casual.

"I was wondering if you and Riley wanted to have lunch with me tomorrow?" Piper asked, looking at her feet as she added "I want you to meet someone"

"Uh sure" James said, looking behind him at his half-naked girlfriend who nodded from where she was sat on his bed.
"Great! I'll let him know!" Piper smiled before skipping away.

James closed the door with a thud.

"She said 'him'. Who is 'him'?" He asked paranoid.
Riley shrugged and held out her hand, "come back to bed baby"
She pulled James back onto the bed and joined their lips in a kiss.

Moments later however, he pulled away and paused.
"Do you think she has a boyfriend?"
Riley sighed, "I don't know James, we'll find out tomorrow. Now come here"

Their lips had barely touched before James spoke again, "what if-"
"James" Riley cut him off.
He sighed "sorry babe, am I being stupid?"
Riley giggled and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Crazy and slightly paranoid yes, but you could never be stupid"

"Now please, can we resume what you started" Riley begged, referencing her half-naked attire.
James smirked, climbing on top of her, "as you wish m'lady"


James slipped his hand in Riley's back pocket as they walked through town on their way to meet Piper. Riley was giggling at something he said, with her arm wrapped around his waist.

Though they were dressed somewhat casually, Riley was wedding a red lipstick and had her heels on to add a little something to her outfit. James was exceedingly pleased by this; he always found her hot, but with a red lip he found her downright sexy and she knew it.

"What time did Piper ask us to meet her?" Riley asked, checking the time on her phone.
"She said 12:30 when I asked her this morning" James answered.
Riley double checked the time on her phone, "but James we're literally half an hour early!"

She looked at her boyfriend in confusion, wondering why he had rushed her out of the house not 20 minutes earlier.
James hummed and looked down at her, "yep. But if it is a boy we're meeting, I want to be here before him so I can prepare myself"

"James!" Riley swatted his arm and stopped walking. "You can 'prepare yourself' without breathing down your sister's neck, I'm sure she's already nervous enough"
"But Ri-"
"No" Riley shut him down, "let's go wait in the car. And from now on you must be on your best behaviour"

It was 30 minutes later and a bell jingled above their heads as they walked through the cafe door. Immediately spotting Piper, James groaned. He pointed at the table of four which occupied two seats.

"Riley she's sitting with a boy" he whined, staring at the back of a blonde boy's head.
Ignoring his mood, Riley grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the table.

"Hey guys" she smiled, hugging Piper who stood up to greet them.
Piper, who was clearly very excited, wasted no time in introducing her mystery guest.

"This is Finn" she blushed, "Finn, this is my brother James and his girlfriend Riley"
James reluctantly shook Finn's hand as he offered it, sitting down besides Riley and opposite his sister who was next to Finn.

"Nice to meet you both" Finn said politely, "Piper has told me so much"
Riley giggled, "all good things I hope"
"Of course" Piper laughed. "There isn't a bad word to describe you Riley"

"So" James said, acting casual as he skimmed the menu, "are you guys dating or...?"
Piper blushed again, feeling her heart race when Finn took her hand under the table.
"Yea-" she cleared her throat "yes, yes we are"

"And for how long?" James asked again, giving Riley a 'told you so look'.
Riley dismissed this look and congratulated Piper.

"Oh this is so exciting!" She exclaimed as Piper sighed in relief.
"Thank you Riley" the younger girl smiled, "we've only been together for two weeks but I wanted you to meet"

James snorted and Riley glared icily at him. He recoiled in his seat immediately.

Finn cleared his throat to cover an awkward silence that fell upon the table.
"So" he chimed, "how long have you guys been together?"

Tearing her attention away from her sulking boyfriend, Riley smiled, "five years and nine months"
"Wow" Finn's eyes widened, "I can see why people always refer to you guys as relationship goals"

James sat up straighter "they do?"
"Uh yeah" Finn explained, "every time someone gets in a new relationship it's always like 'oo will they be the next Jiley?"

James couldn't hide his smirk as Finn continued talking.

"Last week at the studio, Lily was prancing around and telling everyone that her and Kingston were the new you. No one believes them of course"

Riley frowned, she had no idea of the 'star power' she and James still had at the studio. She figured that they were old news... apparently not.

"You've never mentioned this Pipes" James raised his eyebrows smuggly. Riley noticed his mood change and inwardly laughed. Typical James to light up as soon as the conversation revolved around their relationship.

Piper laughed, "I didn't want to inflate your ego any more than it already is"
"Oh ha-ha" James laughed sarcastically.

The conversation continued pleasantly throughout the duration of lunch and James (although he wouldn't admit it), liked Finn a lot.

When the couple got back to Riley's house, they immediately went up to her room where James sat in her bed. Riley jumped on him, straddling his lap and playing with his hair. James was taken aback by this sudden action but did not oppose.

Riley lowered her lips next to his ear "I thought I could reward you for being on your best behaviour today" she drooled.
James could feel her warm breath tickling his ear and felt his breathing hitch.

He nodded his head eagerly and bit his lip as Riley trailed wet kisses from his ear, along his jaw. She teased him, avoiding his lips until she knew he was screaming inside, begging her.

Riley giggled innocently, as if she wasn't ripping off her top and pressing her breasts in his face. James moaned at the sight and hung his head.
"Oh baby" he breathed.

She smirked and swiftly drove her tongue across his lips, pulling away before he had the chance to kiss her. He looked at her with wide, lustful eyes.

Fed up with her dominance, he flipped them over so her back was against the bed, causing her to squeal. He ripped off his own shirt and attacked her neck with sloppy kisses.

Beneath him, Riley made an involuntary growling sound. As soon as it reached James' ears he smashed his lips to hers. Riley giggled into the kiss, wrapping her legs around his body as he pinned her down.

James prized her lips apart with his tongue, forcing it inside her mouth causing her to gasp. He grinned when he felt her hands travel down to tackle his belt. This was going to be a fun evening.

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