Office Shenanigans [s]

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Season 4 after James got back from London- Ralfie never happened

"I'm so glad you're back" Riley giggled, slinking her arms around James' neck seductively. His lips moved against the skin of her neck, causing her breathing to hitch as she combed her fingers through his hair.

Humming against her skin, James agreed, "hmm me too". He pulled his head away from her neck and pressed a kiss to her jaw before connecting their lips. She combed her fingers through his hair, applying force to the back of his head that would prevent his ability to pull away if he tried.

Walking forwards slightly, James caused Riley to stumble backwards until her legs hit the wooden desk behind her. Lips still connected, he lifted her onto it and stood between her parted legs. His hands gripped her hips, caressing her sides while she kept her arms around his neck.


Piper tiredly trudged into studio A and dumped her dance bag on a bench before walking towards her team. She frowned, noticing they were all stood around aimlessly instead of completing a warm up.
"Why are we all stood around doing nothing?" She asked, looking between each of her teammates.

"Because our lovely studio head is a little, er busy" Skylar answered, nodding her head in the direction of Riley's office.
Piper's eyes widened as she saw the scene through the tinted windows. "Wh- oh you've got to be kidding me" she groaned, folding her arms frustratedly.

"Didn't you get dropped off with him this morning?" Michelle questioned, confused at why the siblings had arrived separately.
"Nah he stayed at Riley's last night" the brunette dancer responded, shaking her head. "Since he got back from London they've been inseparable"

"It's cute" Cassie smiled, "they're in love"
Richelle scoffed, "it's disgusting. There's a time and a place and this is neither. She's supposed to be teaching us, not making out with James!"

"Do you think they're virgins?" Amy suddenly blurted, watching the couple through the window, "they seem very, er, comfortable with each other"
"Fuck no" Piper laughed, "they're at it like rabbits almost every night". She looked at her teammates and then froze, "oh my god, don't tell them I said that"

Alfie looked at his feet, apparently perturbed by this revelation. Richelle rolled her eyes, "whatever, can someone go and stop them please. I'd quite like to do some dancing today"

The room fell silent.

"Ugh I'll do it" Piper volunteered reluctantly with a sigh, "I do it enough at home anyway"

She walked cautiously closer to the office, hearing murmurs of 'good luck' and gratitude as she left her team on the dance floor. She tapped the glass door loudly, hoping it would be enough to alert the couple. Nothing.

Opening the door and stepping into the office, Piper cleared her throat. "Oi James, get your tongue out of Riley's mouth, we need our studio head back"

The couple hastily parted, looking startled and embarrassed. Riley grabbed her phone and read the time off her lock screen in shock.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I totally lost track of time" she apologised, looking out of the glass window to see 11 pairs of eyes watching her. She felt her cheeks redden uncomfortably. "Was everyone watching?"

Piper nodded slowly, causing her brother to chuckle while Riley looked mortified.

"At least that Alfie kid knows you're taken" he snorted, looking across the studio at Alfie who was 'subtly' watching with a forlorn expression. "He's definitely got a crush on you Ri"
Riley shrugged, jumping down from her desk. "I don't really care to be honest. I've got you"

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